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Red Spots on side of shaft

Red Spots on side of shaft

Ok guys. I just started back pe’ing a couple weeks ago after a really really long break because of back problems and never felt like doing anything. I’m manually stretching and jelquing right now. My problem is after 3 days last week I looked down and noticed that there were 2 red spots on the left and right side of my shaft around the area that I grip in while I’m stretching. I’m probably stretching too hard but it feels like if I loosen my grip any more I won’t be able to get a good enough grip for the stretch. I’m only doing nine stetches total for 30 seconds a piece. I’ve never had this problem before. I warm up in the shower. I have one of those detachable heads that I put about close to my dick for 5 minutes before I start working out and 7 minutes when I’m done. I feel like I get a better warm up this way than I do with a wrap. What do you guys think? Maybe too short of a warmup or warmdown or just flat out gripping too hard? The spots are about 1/18-1/16 of an inch in circumference by the way. Also if yall think that I might be gripping too hard do you have any advice on any different ways to get a good grip? Thanks.



Why did you post this on The Dive?

Are these spots like chafing or like blood under the skin?

In any case, you must rest until they dissapear.

To improve your grip in the stretches I recommend talcum. Some use rubber gloves (they come with talcum), others a small piece of cloth. Still others prefer aplying lubricating gel, leaving it to dry. In my case, talcum does an excellent job.

Last edited by Hog6.5 : 05-19-2005 at .

Sorry Hog. Didn’t even realize that I was in the Dive at the time. I’ll try the powder today when I start again because they are gone now. They only last for a day or so so that’s good. Also it was like blood under the skin. I thought it was just red spots at first but it didn’t look like the way they had been described being only 2 of them.


Originally Posted by ndk
Sorry Hog. Didn’t even realize that I was in the Dive at the time. I’ll try the powder today when I start again because they are gone now. They only last for a day or so so that’s good. Also it was like blood under the skin. I thought it was just red spots at first but it didn’t look like the way they had been described being only 2 of them.

Pressure spots. No big deal IMO

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Yikes! It’s mean your dick is going to fall off soon. Go see a female doctor now… preferably, one with big tits.

Seriously, perform a seach on “red spots” in this forum. Tons of info.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Ok. Thanks for the help guys. They’re gone so I’m about to go exercise. Good luck with yalls gains.


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