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Girth Gains

Girth Gains

I have been PEing for a little over a month now. I have gained about 1/4in in length but I’m not too sure about girth. I initially though I started at 5in when I measured with string, but after getting a tape measurer yesterday I measured only 4.8 :( . It’s very strange because I was consistently measuring at 5 with string, but I guess something was flawed in my procedure. I don’t know if I have gained anything girth wise now, I just know that it “feels” a little fuller so I’m just going to consider 4.8 as my starting measurement.

My question is, should I split my days, doing girth exercises one day and lenght the next? I do a 5 day on 2 day off routine. I really want more girth, my short term goal when I thought I was 5 was 5.25, but I don’t know if this is within “short term” range anymore. I posted my routine before but no one commented on whether it was good/too much/too little, so I don’t really know if I should stick to my present routine.

I went and had a look at the routine you posted and it is OK. My only suggestion would be not to increase the time/intensity too quickly as this could easily lead to an injury as your unit has time to become accustomed to the rigors of PE.
Although the Girth Blasters are an excellent exercise, I would forget about them for a little while. Maybe pick them up again in a few months.

Splitting workouts really is the $64K question.

Personally, I train girth after length, but I’m not worried about girth right now. If girth worries you then I would say yes, split your days, but remember, the more time you spend on girth now, the more time you will need to spend on length later and later you may well be fighting a losing battle if you over train girth and get much thicker.

Remember, it is easier to stretch a thin rubber band then it is to stretch a thick one. If you are after a little extra girth then this is not a problem, but if you go overboard….don’t say you weren’t warned!


I’m really only looking to get a little more girth short term because I’m not that satisfied with it, girth has always been my weak point since I’ve always been higher average in lenght. But youre right I have read that gaining girth first can hinder future length gains, but getting to 5-5.25in or so shouldn’t really be that bad for length should it?

So if I split my days, should I do jelqs everyday but only do stretches on lengh days, and girth specific exercises on girth days? I have stopped doing girth blasters in the last week and have been doing Ulis and squeezes where I trap blood at the bottom and squeeze and hold along the shaft with my other hand holding for 10-30sec. Is this too much? I really don’t know how to tell if I’m going overboard because even right now I feel like I’m not doing enough. I don’t suffer any pain, and I don’t really notice any soreness except sometimes in the ligs from stretching.

If you are aiming for 5 or 5.25 at the moment, then no, that is not a problem.

I would do a little stretching even on “girth only” days. Just don’t get too carried away.

Uli’s really are an advanced exercise. If you feel you are ready for them then fine….but be careful!
Jelq everyday at 60-70% for girth.
Make sure you always warm up throughly. Remember the tunica is a very tough layer and the more pliable you can make it by using heat, the better your results will be.
Some guys simply do not feel fatigue. Ever. And so this can make it hard to judge if you are doing enough.
Look at it this way;
If you don’t do enough, your gains will come slower.
If you do too much, you could well injure yourself and set yourself back weeks, if not months.
It is a fine line and one which we are constantly nudging in order to maximise our progress.
I guess if you start out doing the more advanced exercises (which you seem to love!), then keep the intensity low until you understand exactly what you are doing and what punishment your unit can withstand. Then, and only then, increase the time/intensity.

Many guys forget that PE is not a “quick fix”. Results will come, but it takes time, commitment and sacrifice.
If you are not prepared to make the time, commitment and sacrifice, then prepare to fail.

Mind I build on his question a little for myself?

I too am also more girth concerned, I just started though, I am aiming for about the same goal he is girthwise. I suppose I may try for length later, all I am doing right now is about 10-15 minutes of dry jelqs currently, sometimes wet jelqs 2 days on 1 day off going into my 3rd week now. I know from some reading that that is more somewhat a preparation for later excercises by getting its resistance to the stresses built up. Once I have done that should I try to focus on length just so i dont put it out of picture even though I am not concerned about it much now?

Also, about how long before I might start seeing even the most minute gains from what I am doing right now?

Originally Posted by qwertyu
Mind I build on his question a little for myself?

I too am also more girth concerned, I just started though, I am aiming for about the same goal he is girthwise. I suppose I may try for length later, all I am doing right now is about 10-15 minutes of dry jelqs currently, sometimes wet jelqs 2 days on 1 day off going into my 3rd week now. I know from some reading that that is more somewhat a preparation for later excercises by getting its resistance to the stresses built up. Once I have done that should I try to focus on length just so i dont put it out of picture even though I am not concerned about it much now?

Also, about how long before I might start seeing even the most minute gains from what I am doing right now?

You seem to be in the same situation as me. I want both length and girth but at the moment I would prefer a little girth first. What I’m probably going to do is get myself conditioned for some good girth routines and gain a little bit, while at the same time doing a small amount of length work. Then when I gain 1/4 in or so girth wise start attacking both length and girth equally because I don’t want to just keep gaining girth to a point where it would hinder length gains. You should probably take it easy for about 8 weeks just to get yourself used to it and then gradually start a little more intense girth routines.

As far as the time it’s going to take to see results, I think it really depends on the individual. Some people seem to gain girth easily but not length and vice versa. From the posts I’ve read girth does seem to be the slower gain, but significant gains can still be made. I myself have been at it for about 6 weeks and have gained definite length but I’m not sure about girth because I initially measured wrong (the string method was too inaccurate in my case). I can tell you though that I definately feel fuller than before so maybe I’ve gained something.

You are a fast learner…you just answered your own questions as well as qwertyu’s

As you say everyone is different so it is impossible for us to even speculate on how long it will take for you to see any gains.
My advice to you would be this;
1. Take accurate measurements of BPEL and EG (base, mid shaft and glans)
2. Keep a PE Diary
Note all the exercises you are doing, the duration, erection level, the relative humidity,the phase of the moon, etc
All jokes aside, the most important aspect of your PE Diary is it’s accuracy and detail. The more detailed the better, even if you do not think it is very relevant. It will show you, in time, exactly what does and what does not work for you. It also encourages you to be regular. It is a must!
3. Try not to measure too often. I am guilty on many occasions of measuring too often and if you are not careful, it is easy to become discouraged by your perceived lack of gains.
4. Use heat in your routines
5. Be consistent! Jelqing for ten minutes once every three weeks will not give you any gains. On the other hand, be careful not to over do it.

Hope this helps!

So Andrew do you suggest having length days and girth days?

Originally Posted by blackrob
So Andrew do you suggest having length days and girth days?

IMO, some girth work helps length gains and some length work helps girth gains.
I have no scientific data of any kind to back up this opinion. All I can offer is what has worked for me.

Generally speaking,
If you want length, work length almost exclusively.
If you want girth, then work girth almost exclusively.

If you look at my sig, you will see that although I have targeted length exclusively , I have made some girth gains.
I would expect a similar out come if you were to target girth exclusively (that is, some length gains, depending on the exercises used)

What would be some Girth specific exercises, specifically ones that will help with base girth? I have gained in length for sure but I definitely want some girth gains now.

What is everyones favorite girth exercise? Thanks!


The humble jelq (performed at 60-70% erect) has probably allowed more guys to gain girth than any other exercise.

Some of th exercises I have tried include Horse 440’s, Uli’s, Extreme Uli’s and Cable clamping.

Specifically for base girth, check out this thread on a base girth exercise I am developing.
I have had some very good reports back on its effectiveness. On the flip side, I have also had reports back about some guys not being able to perform them at all!

Also, don’t forget reverse jelqing.That is, jelqing from the glans back towards the body. Be careful to do them at a lower intensity to avoid injury.
I’m sure that there are many exercises I have missed. Do a search for base girth and see what you come up with

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