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traction wraps bad for girth gains?


traction wraps bad for girth gains?

I wanted to take up traction wrapping to get a better flacid hang primarily, and helping erect length gains would be a great bonus. However, I have considered whether this might be bad for girth gains, as the wrap would keep the shaft compacted. The head would probably get bigger, but what about the shaft? If the wrap is meant to help length gains because it helps the dick repair in the stretched state, won’t it also repair the dick, girth wise, in the compressed state? Won’t wrapping deflate the fat pumped state you get after girth work and decrease the potential it has to get thicker in such a fat pumped prolonged state? Maybe if the wrap was only 1 inch wide, at the base then the shaft would get better girth? But then you wouldn’t get the lengthening effects from a proper traction wrap.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


I always recommend doing length and girth routines seperatly. I agree though, traction wraps would not seem a good idea for girth gains. There is the wrapping for girth/discolouration for that.


SS4, could you possibly give me a link to the best girth wrap description you are aware of please? Do girth wraps work well for a decent flaccid hang aswel? I would have thought it would. Maybe not erect length but flaccid hang sounds a possibility. If I am more interested in flaccid length than erect length, are girth wraps any use for me?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>SS4, could you possibly give me a link to the best girth wrap description you are aware of please? <

There’s wrapping for girth, which creates an uli type effect (high pressure), and there’s wrapping for discolouration, which engorges the shaft but can be worn for a long time, in an ADS kinda way (low pressure).

Synergistic effect of wrapping on hanging and uli’s for Bib, etals

>Do girth wraps work well for a decent flaccid hang aswel?<

It would have the same effect on flaccid hang as any girth routine I assume.

>I would have thought it would. Maybe not erect length but flaccid hang sounds a possibility. If I am more interested in flaccid length than erect length, are girth wraps any use for me?<

I don’t think we are on the same page here. If you want length why would you do a girth-anything? I assume from your thread title that you are working on girth and length at the same time. If this is the case I suggest working on one or the other, if you choose length then you can go ahead and do traction wraps or fowfers or whatever.


SS4, why would you recommend that I work on either length or girth, but not both? Is it because girth work toughens the tunica and makes it harder to stretch? Or some other reason?

Well, I am working on my ligs right now, and they aren’t effected by girth or girth work to my knowledge. SS4, do you know how long my penis is? It’s 5 inches long erect and 2-2.5 flaccid. Just to reach a place of being comfortable with my length, I will have to gain 1 inch, and to reach my length goal, I have to gain 2-3 inches. 2-3 inches will probably take me 1.5-3 years of length work. Do you seriously expect me to wait that long before I even start working on gaining a little girth? My girth is 5”. My goal is 6”. I will stop at 5.5” so that I atleast can feel good about having a thick cock, if not a long cock, and keep me motivated and possitive about PE for the long term. It is probably two years away before I even reach a length which is regarded well endowed length, so I need something to feel good about between now and then. Seeing how I am average girth right now and just 0.5” more will give me a girth which is considered well endowed girth, it is much better for me to reach for that right now so that I can feel positive about my dick without having to wait years.

Thanks for the link, but I have read that before. I was after a girth wrap link really. I will do a search. Thanks

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>SS4, why would you recommend that I work on either length or girth, but not both? Is it because girth work toughens the tunica and makes it harder to stretch? Or some other reason? <

Yeah that reason.

>Well, I am working on my ligs right now, and they aren’t effected by girth or girth work to my knowledge. SS4, do you know how long my penis is? It’s 5 inches long erect and 2-2.5 flaccid. Just to reach a place of being comfortable with my length, I will have to gain 1 inch, and to reach my length goal, I have to gain 2-3 inches. 2-3 inches will probably take me 1.5-3 years of length work. Do you seriously expect me to wait that long before I even start working on gaining a little girth? My girth is 5”. My goal is 6”.<

I don’t expect anything of you friend, my (or anyone’s) advice and opinions are just a resource to help you make an informed choice. You are the same girth as me - average, yet below average length. The way I look at this is to consider the time of the entire PE journey - make it as short as possible. I have considered girth routines for a long time, but however difficult it is to gain length now, it will be more difficult with a bigger and tougher tunica. And tunica work will play a part at some point in your PE career.

>I will stop at 5.5” so that I atleast can feel good about having a thick cock, if not a long cock, and keep me motivated and possitive about PE for the long term.<

Yes, motivation is a big issue, especially when there is a lot to gain.

>It is probably two years away before I even reach a length which is regarded well endowed length, so I need something to feel good about between now and then. Seeing how I am average girth right now and just 0.5” more will give me a girth which is considered well endowed girth, it is much better for me to reach for that right now so that I can feel positive about my dick without having to wait years. <

It sounds like you really want that girth now. Now that I think of it all kinds of ADS are probably not good for girth, because if the penis is stretched out it is at it’s thinest. But if you use the discolouration wraps - the kind that give allow enorgement and bloodflow you get a nice medium. That’s probably your best bet as far as an ADS method goes. It should do your flaccid hang some good too.

>Thanks for the link, but I have read that before. I was after a girth wrap link really.<

The girth wraps are on the same principle as the extreme uli’s, and cable clamp things that are popular lately, look those up too.

Good Luck


>I have considered girth routines for a long time, but however difficult it is to gain length now, it will be more difficult with a bigger and tougher tunica. And tunica work will play a part at some point in your PE career.<

I have considered this, but I think I might have a reason why this is not true in every case. Tell me if you think I am wrong in some way, but it occurs to me that if a man has a short penis, when he does stretching, he will be grasping the whole of the shaft and any tunica stretching he does will be done on the internal penis and not the penis outside his body. So the thickness and toughness of his tunica on the outside of the body won’t matter because that part won’t be being stretched. As girth work won’t increase the girth or toughness of the internal penis, as it is out of reach to be worked on in that mannor, stretching of the internal tunica won’t be hindered by doing girth work on the penis outside the body. I would like your feedback on this idea.

> But if you use the discolouration wraps - the kind that give allow enorgement and bloodflow you get a nice medium.<

When you say medium, do you mean it in terms of a surrounding environment, or in terms of the middle ground between something?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>Tell me if you think I am wrong in some way, but it occurs to me that if a man has a short penis, when he does stretching, he will be grasping the whole of the shaft and any tunica stretching he does will be done on the internal penis and not the penis outside his body.<

Interesting idea, but the grip part is wrong. The shaft within the grip of his hands will be stretched. Even if you use your whole fist. If you used a hanger, that part within the hanger would be stretched also.

However, your idea is a good one - OTS hanging, stretching straight up to your chin and fulcrum stretching tend to put more stress on the inner area.
So the stretching that happens in the inner tunica would not be affected by the girth work on the outer tunica, however the part of the stress on the outer tunica (for length there will always be some) will have less chance of creating gains.

Good thinking there.

>When you say medium, do you mean it in terms of a surrounding environment, or in terms of the middle ground between something?<

I mean middle ground between the length and girth being in the extended state. Because the length would not be as long as with a traction wrap or ADS, but you get the girth engorgement too.

Good Luck

SS4, I thought I might be onto something, atleast in part. I find that I get better stretch when I angle my dick so that the shaft is bent and almost all the pressure is right at the base and internal penis, leaving most of the outer shaft bent away from the plane of pull. That would leave extremely little stretched tunica being effected by girth. Atleast that’s how I figure it. Does that seem right?

Depending on what kind of pulling you do, maybe you might change your mind and start on girth work too, considering this new unearthing?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-19-2003 at .


>SS4, I thought I might be onto something, atleast in part. I find that I get better stretch when I angle my dick so that the shaft is bent and almost all the pressure is right at the base and internal penis, leaving most of the outer shaft bent away from the plane of pull. That would leave very little tunica lengthening being effected by girth. Atleast that’s how I figure it. Does that seem right? <

I’m not sure what you mean. If you mean fulcrum stretches, pulling up with one hand and down with the other? As long as you feel the work in the inner penis that should be OK IMO.

>Depending on what kind of pulling you do, maybe you might change your mind and start on girth work too, considering this new unearthing?<

That’s not possible for me, for many reasons.

Good Luck

SS4, I mean I grip my dick, pushing downward but with my shaft still pointing parallel to the floor, meaning most of my shaft is out of the plane of pull and my base gets the pull down, causing a bend in my penis. This is done with one hand, as my dick is too small to use 2 hands.

I don’t know why it’s not possible for you to do girth but atleast you have average girth. It would truly suck if you couldn’t do girth and you were below average girth.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.


>SS4, I mean I grip my dick, pushing downward but with my shaft still pointing parallel to the floor, meaning most of my shaft is out of the plane of pull and my base gets the pull down, causing a bend in my penis. This is done with one hand, as my dick is too small to use 2 hands. <

Sounds like a V-stretch type thing, with one hand.

>I don’t know why it’s not possible for you to do girth but atleast you have average girth. It would truly suck if you couldn’t do girth and you were below average girth.<

I can’t do girth right now I mean, I will have fun and get a cable clamp or something later.

One thing I forgot to mention is the shaft soreness issue from girth workouts. I’ve never done length and girth at the same time full on, but I know the shaft gets very sore from the uli’s and other methods I have tried. I hope that the soreness will not interfere with the stretching. You can do the length stuff first, but there may be the issue of fatigue from the previous day’s girth exercises. Just something to watch out for.

Good Luck

SS4, I think I can put up with a little extra soreness for a little extra cubic growth. It seems that this is another issue to consider, now that it is recognised that girth work needn’t make length growth harder, if aproached correctly. Working length and girth together, if done correctly, could maximise the over all cubic growth. Faster over all gains. Just a thought.

Also, the soreness from doing Uli’s can be minimised a lot by performing just 10 mins of jelqing(dry or wet) before hand. I find if I don’t do some jelqing first, the Uli’s make my dick pretty damn sore, but not so after aclimatising my dick to the pressures with jelqing first. 20 mins of jelq will decrease the soreness further from Uli’s, horses and other high pressure girth work. There will still ofcourse be some soreness, but greatly diminished.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-20-2003 at .


>It seems that this is another issue to consider, now that it is recognised that girth work needn’t make length growth harder, if aproached correctly.<

Right on. There’s a lot to consider, some people might prefer to do both at the same time, others will prefer to concentrate on one.

1 - Time; If you are spending a lot of time with length workouts then doing girth will either cut into your length time or your private life,
2 - Soreness; The shaft soreness might interefere with stretching, and hangers will find it difficult or impossible to hang if there is any soreness in the shaft where the hanger compresses.
3 - Gains; However you look at it length gains will come faster if it is concentrated on, that just makes sense. And the outer tunica will always be stretched no matter what angle, so it would be better for this to be weaker.

If someone had the time, and the soreness and residual effects from the girth exercises weren’t an issue, and they didn’t mind slightly slower length gains in exchange for quicker girth then they could try for both if they wanted. A lot of people have done length and girth at the same time. Personally I’m still in the divide and conquer camp.


Oh well, I tried to make you a convert but it just wasn’t going to happen, lol.

I doubt my length will come much slower, considering I do manual v-stretch and almost all the tunica growth will be done internally. Maybe decreasing my tunica’s length growth, at worst, by a rate of 10-15% and my ligs by 0%. That might average out at 90% of the potential length growth rate without girth work. This 100% length rate would stand for overall rate, without girth work, but when adding girth work the 90% rate can be pushed to a much higher overall rate than the 100% mark standardised. Therfore increasing overal cubic growth rate. It could be as high as 120-130% of length work’s rate alone.

I totally agree that this aproach would be unwise for many members, who only have limited time to spemd each day, or who are hangers. But let’s suppose a member had hours of free time at their disposal each day, but disliked hanging and chose manual stretching. Also prefering stretches which happened to increase the tunica almost exclusively from the internal section. If they have the time, and do all the length work they could ever need before finishing with girth work, making sure not to cut short their length work to make time for girth work. In this situation I believe overal cubic growth could be increased. There are members that are in this situation. For those that are they should consider doing this to maximise overall gains. But it is specific in who it will work for. It would work for someone like me, because I am in this particular situation. What do you think SS4?

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-20-2003 at .
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