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Girth Question

Girth Question

Hey Guys -

I’ve been PEing for about 5 months and I am stuck at the same girth. I’m about 5’ 9”, 140 lbs., and I have a BPEL of 7.5” and a BP EG of 5”. I have gained nearly 0.5” in length due to routine stretches, but it’s not my length I’m unsatisfied with. I would like to be 8” x 6”. As you can see that’s a whole inch in girth, and I can’t seem to gain. My girth routine involves a 5 minutes of Sadinsky Slinky’s in each direction, 30 minutes of dry jelq and then 40 minutes of wet jelq. I do this routine 2 days on and 1 day of in repetition. I’m also about to start hanging to try and reach a BPEL of 8”. Fellas, any pointers on what to do about girth? Should I start clamping? Any advice or tips you guys could give me would go much appreciated. Thanks all!

Maybe too much training? Take breaks between jelq ( 15-20 minutes jelq ). For moment I’m not in measure to give advise, is just an opinion :)

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

That may be too much jelqing. My advice - search on advanced girth exercises such as horses and uli’s and incorporate them into your routine.

Girth is very dependant of PI, you are overtraining.
- You should do your slinky at the end of the routine, because exercices have to increase in intensity for more results and less injuries.
- Stop “30 min of dry jelq”, it is too much, and not as much powerful as wet jelqs.
- Do your wet jelqs at a higher erection level to impact on the girth.
- Do a nice warm up while being erected, and/or use IR lamp while jelqing.

Remember: you should not do very intenses girth exercices (sadsack etc..) + very intense length exercices like hanging: it gives bad PIs.
Stick to: warm up(>5min)/wet jelq at high erection level/maybe 1+ squeeze of any sort/ stretchs (15min).

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