Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Got a new Girl


Got a new Girl

I just started going out with this new girl last Friday and things have been going amazing. We are both 20 and she’s 8 days younger than me and we met at the gym. She has a great body and an amazing set of tits not to mention her dad is a dentist so money is not an issue in their family.
But anyhow, now that I have her I am hoping that my size is going to be enough for her. Right now I am:
BPEL: 6.0 might be a little bit more depending on how hard I am.
EG: 5.1

But the thing that I don’t like is my length, erect and flaccid. Flaccid I am about 2.5 inches but it depends sometimes it’s more..

So mostly I just need to improve my length and I will be much happier. Maybe 6.5 is a reasonable goal for now. And if I get any gains in girth that will be ok too but it’s not really what I need.

Congrats on the girl!

The newbie routine that you can find at the top of this (newbie) forum is good for both length and girth and is where you should begin.

Yep, newbie routine. You need to condition your dick before doing more “advanced” routine. It is like bodybuilding, you dont start with rest pause sets, drop set etc.

I would say do the newbie routine for at least 2 months. After we’ll see.

You’ve got nice girth! Just stretch that sucker out.


Man your size in fine, girls usually don’t make fun of guys unless their around 4 or 5 inches and even then many don’t care. You have good girth and my flacid length used to be exactly the same as your and Iv’e been doing this only a month and it’s already up to 3.25 with a couple flicks or anything. Anyways good luck with the new girlfriend.

Hey, don´t worry, your size is enough to satisfy her. Normally, size is not an issue for most girls (excluding size queens). Even better, you will grow your penis and progressively see her reactions. Start with the newbie routine and keep us updated on your girl comments.

Thanks for the comments guys. I will start on the newbie routine and keep you posted!

Hopefully this works for me


The WORST thing you can do right now is worry about your unit! She is obviously attracted to YOU…

The most attractive thing for women is CONFIDENCE! Know that there is only ONE you…and if that is what she is after…there IS NO COMPETETION!

If you want to enlarge your unit, fine, but don’t get all wierd about it. Just add a newbie routine and forget about it…like brushing your teeth.

If you get sexual with her, the best thing you can do is just enjoy her! Relax and have fun, be fun and be confident in yourself and it will all be fine.

If you are yourself, and she likes YOU…its easy. If your being something other than yourself…you are setting yourself up for failure.

So just enjoy being with her, have fun, be confident and don’t start turning into a head case. Lack of confidence is a huge turn off for everyone.

Wow sparky, you should be a Psychiatrist those are some great words of encouragement and I totally agree with it all. I will be starting my routine today.. Hopefully I can do this for a couple weeks before her and I end up in the sack together.

Does being in the shower count as a hot wrap? As long as the water is hot enough I guess..

What about doing PE in a hot tub? Good, Bad? I would think this would be good for stretching.. Hopefully my neighbors don’t look through their windows while I do it :)


Sparkyx’s advice comes from the wisdom of age, not psychiatry. After you have been around women a bit and especially been married you begin to figure out that the number 1 characteristic that women look for in a guy is CONFIDENCE!

When I began the newbie routine I used the shower as a “warm wrap”, as many guys do. I would also think the hot tub would work well for stretching.

Good luck in your goals and keep Sparkyx’s advice in mind.


To hope for improvement is to think that you are inadaquite NOW, which will lead you to act less than confident.

The trick is to know that you are fine RIGHT NOW! That no one can be you the way you can… THAT is the key to confidence.

The way to think about pe is to know you are fine the way you are, but a few extra inches would be cool.

This is not some bs! You will do far better with women to have a small dick but big confidence, than a big dick and no confidence.

Like I said before, pe is best put in the catagory of brushing your teeth. Do it and forget about it. It actually is more effective that way also…better results.

Her family is rich so you are going to need to get your penis up to 9.25 x 6.25 like that guy from member pics.

I’m j/k! Good luck.

I’ve never been the most self-confident person.. But I guess that is something that can be worked at as well as PE. I mean, I should be confident in myself, I’m almost 21 years old, going to college, 6 foot 3 inches, 210 pounds and I am currently training for my second marathon.. (I have a damn fine body, lol).

So I’m not sure why I ‘think’ I’m lacking in confidence because obviously I shouldn’t be and maybe I just have to realise this on my own.. And actually now that I’m thinking about this and typing it it’s actually helping, sometimes I guess you just gotta get it out somewhere. Too bad there was no miracle confidence pill then there would be no need for any of this crap.. But there isn’t so this is something I will have to work at, and I know I do. But, cheers guys!

One more word of advice: don’t hurt yourself! That will be counter-productive. You’d rather her see your perfectly healthy, good-sized penis in it’s current shape than injured. So keep that in mind while you’re exercising your unit.


The miracle “self confidence pill” would take the joy out of self discovery.

True self confidence comes from reaching what you thought were your limits…and going past them. Finding that you can do much more than you suspected.

Reaching down deep inside oneself and finding resources beyond what you knew you had.

Looking inside and seeing something unique and worthy. Then BEING that worthy part of yourself.

Present that to the world, then…when someone is attracted to that, all you have to do is be yourself.


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