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Hair climbing shaft


Hair climbing shaft

I today started jelqing, even though I have been doing the stretch exercise for a few days now. I did two small jelq sessions, maybe only 15-20 jelqs, mainly because I wanted to get the feel for it.

Tonight, I noticed that my pubic hair seemed to climb up my shaft. Is this normal?I thought all my stretching would have provided enough extra skin to handle any changes when I added jelqing to my sessions.

Welcome to the forum.

Search on “turkey neck”. You’ll find a lot of discussion and some tips to avoid it, as much as possible.

I was never able to avoid it, even with all the tips and advice I have a good 1-2” of “turkey neck” which I keep shaved. All good things have a downside I guess.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Yup hair will do that as they are excellent climbers. The first man who successfully climbed Mt. Everest reported seeing a handful of hairs in the snow as he was placing the flag.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Isnt it because all you americans have been circumcised that you have hairy shafts?

A tight circumcision can cause this, even without jelqing.

Well the foreskin is not really a seperate piece of skin. There is only penile skin. At varying stages of erection, varying amounts of skin cover the head of the penis. The foreskin unfolds quite a bit during an erection, and what was the floppy bit on the end of the penis, is now the middle section of skin on the erect penis.

If you remove this section of skin, and circumcision generally removes a large amount of it, you are effectively drawing the skin at the base upwards (which is often hairy scrotal skin) to accomodate the erection.

Circumcising babies is basically guesswork. No doctor knows how big your penis will be when you are older and how much skin you will need for an erection.
It’s kind of hard to explain, because, no offense, but most americans don’t really seem to have any idea about the foreskin.

Originally Posted by andrewj
Well the foreskin is not really a seperate piece of skin. There is only penile skin. At varying stages of erection, varying amounts of skin cover the head of the penis. The foreskin unfolds quite a bit during an erection, and what was the floppy bit on the end of the penis, is now the middle section of skin on the erect penis.

If you remove this section of skin, and circumcision generally removes a large amount of it, you are effectively drawing the skin at the base upwards (which is often hairy scrotal skin) to accomodate the erection.

Circumcising babies is basically guesswork. No doctor knows how big your penis will be when you are older and how much skin you will need for an erection.
It’s kind of hard to explain, because, no offense, but most americans don’t really seem to have any idea about the foreskin.

Makes sense to me.

I have yet to decide what the deal will be when I have kids someday, I’m thinking I’ll just let them keep the foreskin and in the future they can decide what they want done to it, but until they are old enough to take care of themselves in the bathroom, I’ll just have to put more work into cleaning that area. I kind of wish sometimes I had my foreskin, but I had no choice because my parents decided that for me when I was a baby.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

So andrew, if what you say is true, then the uncirced guys would not be reporting hair on their shaft. What say ye uncirced? Especially you newbies that don’t have a lot of PEing time in yet, do you have hair on your shaft?

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Shaft hair can happen with uncirc, but I believe that it is much rarer.
I think that there is a difference between a few shaft hairs, and scrotal hair that has risen and stretched.

Wetmayo, foreskins really arent any hassle for parents. They remain fused to the glans for many years and effectively you don’t have to do anything special at all.
I know what american doctors have been telling you guys for years, but the tide is turning, and they are catching up to the rest of the world.

I have started a medical degree here in UK. I’m not saying that I’m an expert at all. Something interesting thing I noticed was that “grays anatomy” which is basically the anatomy bible (an american publication), does not even include an intact penis.

I truely believe that american doctors know very little about the foreskin.

I think what happens, cut or uncut, is that during PE one very gradually does two things: Pulls more of the internal “hidden shaft” into view and also grows more skin to accomodate the increase in shaft tissue that is developing. Prior to PE I had virtually no hair on my shaft. Now I shave it a good halfway up toward my glans. A small sacrifice of time for the size benefit.



If you had more skin in the first place ( a foreskin), surely, your new length would simply fill up some of this, instead of having hair creeping up.

Look at the scar line on your erect penis. Now imagine having a few more inches of smooth penile skin exactly where it is.
Do you think you would still have rising hair?


You make sense and you are half right, but since PE and my size increases my hair on the shaft has doubled really from pulling hairy skin up from the ball sac. This is why turkey neck happens and why I have been stretching my balls to combat this issue which has helped.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

You make sense and you are half right, but since PE and my size increases my hair on the shaft has doubled really from pulling hairy skin up from the ball sac. This is why turkey neck happens and why I have been stretching my balls to combat this issue which has helped.

That’s exactly the same conclusion I have. As we PE we pull more ball sac skin is usally used since that area has lots of skin to use already and is already pretty loose skin. I think like Dino said after careful examination of my dick over the months that it might be wise to do some nut sac stretching as well in order to balance out all the growth areas of PE (ligs, inner penis and outer penis, tunica, skin) so we make a nice good looking dick not to say having a bit of hair up the shaft is a big deal anyways since there are ways of removing permentely otherwise just shave it every now and then…

Also it’s interesting to note that on my dick I seem to have a little more girth (not the kind of girth from hanging, but I did get a little of that at the base I believe in the shaft) at the base of my cock on the sides because of nuutsackl skin that had not stretched downwards. If I do a test and pull my nutsack straight down the girth of my flaccid penis goes down somewhat at the base but my NBP measurement goes up a little. What this means is my nut sac skin is attached to the sides of dick shaft and if I stretch those skin areas somehow I can make my dick look a little more even. I;’ll have to think about this some more…

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