HALF INCH gain in 3 weeks
Hey I’m really really new to this pe forum and to pe itself.. I read a bit about it on your forum and through other internet sources (this is the best) and put it into practice just 3 weeks ago. I measured correctly at starting at bpel 6” and am now 6.5”! Only 3 weeks.. I thought I would post this to spread more positive results amongst new members, to keep you focused and on track. My routine has been 2 on 1 off, and has only involved stretches and jelqing. It’s a once a day routine with a 3-5 min warm up then 5-10 stretching and then a gradually increasing wet jelqing routine.. Starting with 40 jelqs (4sec) on day one and only very slowly increasing.. I am now at 75 jelqs per routine.. I conclude the routine with a few minutes warm down and 5 or so minutes stretching.. All the main stretches hold for 20-40 secs each rep. I am very satisfied with the results and believe it definitely is the result of a few things..
1 - Less can be more
2 - Adequate rest periods.. Take a day off every few days it will help in the long run
3 - warm up.. Injuries if avoidable should be avoided
4 - increasing exercise incrementally.. Bit by bit increase no. Of jelqs per routine .. Ie 40 day one 41 day two.. 45 day ten etc..
5 - consistency in routine.. Do not give up stay the course
6 - keep a goal in mind it makes it a hell of a lot easier. Iv got a gf though my eventual goal is to be 7.5-8 by 5.75 and work this girl I know
7 - education.. Keep an open mind keep reading about pe
Anyway hope my routine and results can be somewhat helpful to the new members.. Thanks everyone for your help in building an amazing forum.
FUTURE - - nbp 7.5" x 5.75 =Success