Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Here I am . without a gain again .

Here I am . without a gain again .

I feel like I felt half a year ago before my start with ss4s routine .. You see, I had no gains after 2 years of PE, then, Okt 2004 I made 5 mm BPSL and Nov another 5 mm BPSL (this with not much weight and without traction wraps), then In Dec I failed, although I increased weight dramatically, and much more hangtime, and traction wraps .. I couldn’t understand it!

Then I increased time again weight (two months of hardcorehanging to follow .) —- NO GAIN!

26 of Okt 2004 I felt something I never felt before. It was sooooo good to see, something I’ve never seen, nor believed .. A Gain!! And I didn’t cared bout the fact, that I just gained BPSL and no BPEL (I thought I did, but It was a wrong measurement .)

So here I am .. Without a gain again .. Finally coming to the point of stopping with PE .. Cause there is no training yet, that can help me ..

I tried a FULCRUM today .. Guy here say that they can just hang half of their weight .. Something like 10 - 15 pounds, but I was able to hang 25 pounds with the Fulcrum (SO and then SD) for 20 minutes (heat, and kegel) .. At the end of the sets there was PAIN, but not there where it should have been (Septum) but on the underside of the dick, that rested on the “Stick” ..

You Know whats interesting too?? In OKT and NOV, I felt no fatigue and gained .. Now I feel fatigue after each set, and NO GAIN .. (With fulcrum I don’t feel fatigue too, so does this mean that with fulcrum I can gain again?)

I’m lost .. Some say, that they’ve never gained anything till they started with fulcrums .. I don’t know .. What should I do now?? I don’t believe in this shit like deconditon or rest, or whatever .. I believe this with BodyB. But not with stretching .. When I was doing Pencak Silat (Indonesian Martial Arts), I was able to do the splits after two years, and I KNOW that these “ropes” are thicker and harder than the little ones in the penis .. I was stretching every day, without a rest, and finally I made it to the splits ..

You know whats interesting too?? The rope of my hanger got a bit longer .. No joke .. Thinner but longer ..

Well .. I continue this threat with some more complainments, but I got to go train now .. At least I’m a good weightlifter .. A VERY good one .. Fuck PE!! Perhaps I should bench press the little one ?? Perhaps not .. Then it will be gone .. Hmmm, not a bad idea!! When my dick is gone, I don’t have to complain that it doesn’t get bigger :)


>weight .. Something like 10 - 15 pounds, but I was able to hang 25 pounds with the Fulcrum (SO and then SD) for 20 minutes (heat, and kegel)

How many hours per week are you hanging?
Do you do the sets all at once of split through the day?
Are you jelqing at the end of the hanging sessions?
Are your erections OK?

>At the end of the sets there was PAIN, but not there where it should have been (Septum) but on the underside of the dick, that rested on the “Stick” ..

Are you wrapping the bar with something? I needed a t-shirt to make it comfortable, and even then it took a while to get used to. It was more irritation on the skin than pain for me.

>You Know whats interesting too?? In OKT and NOV, I felt no fatigue and gained .. Now I feel fatigue after each set, and NO GAIN .. (With fulcrum I don’t feel fatigue too, so does this mean that with fulcrum I can gain again?)

How long have you been using the fulcrum for?

>I don’t believe in this shit like deconditon or rest, or whatever .. I believe this with BodyB. But not with stretching

Deconditioning is used because the tissues adapt to the stress by becoming stronger. The body always adapts to it’s environment, if you are not doing PE regularly there is no need for strong tissues so your body adapts by becoming weaker. So you can restart PE with lower weight.

>When I was doing Pencak Silat (Indonesian Martial Arts), I was able to do the splits after two years, and I KNOW that these “ropes” are thicker and harder than the little ones in the penis .. I was stretching every day, without a rest, and finally I made it to the splits ..

You did not need to decondition because you are able to put your bodyweight plus whatever force you push down with onto the tissues. This is way more than the amount it is safe to use in hanging.

>You know whats interesting too?? The rope of my hanger got a bit longer .. No joke .. Thinner but longer ..

Yeah mine did also.

>When my dick is gone, I don’t have to complain that it doesn’t get bigger

True but you won’t be able to have sex.

Hi SS4!! It’s soo good to read from you again :)

Lets start:

>How many hours per week are you hanging?<


>Do you do the sets all at once of split through the day?<

2 in the morning, one in the evening

>Are you jelqing at the end of the hanging sessions?<

Nope .. Well, is this litle one thing the missing factor?

>Are your erections OK?<

Yes, hard as a rock (since I started hanging, it got much harder)

>How long have you been using the fulcrum for?<

I started today .. Well, thats what I mean .. I made the gain in okt and nov without heavy weight (but with your routin .. That kicked ass :) )

>De conditioning is used because the tissues adapt to the stress by becoming stronger. The body always adapts to it’s environment, if you are not doing PE regularly there is no need for strong tissues so your body adapts by becoming weaker. So you can restart PE with lower weight.<

Sounds reasonable .. But I’ll continue with the fullcrumsituation now for another one or two months, and if there is no gain .. Astalababywista .. So dude, how long do I have to do Deconditioning ?

>True but you won’t be able to have sex.<

You won’t believe it .. I’m a virgin :)

SS4, I got another question: does this mean that I can just gain for 2 months and have to start decondition after? I mean, do the tissues get in these two months so hard?
I think there was a member here, that hung for 6 weeks, stopped for another 6 weeks, and continued .. He just hung 2,5 kg and gained 3 inches in two years .. Is that possible?? I mean, this is the perfect decondition situation .

So, now I think, that I have to decide between to ways:

1, continuing with the fulcrum. A training I’ve never done before

2, stop for, lets say, 6 weeks.

What would you do?

I mean, concerning the first point: due to the fact, that I have never done this before, it might be a new killer for my septum ..

Ad 2 I must say, that I made 6 weeks holidays and when I came back I started hanging again for 4 weeks .. No gain, then I started with SS4s training, and I gained .. For 2 months ..

SO, should I switch from my regular training to fulcrum? Or should I just take off 6 weeks, and then continue with my regular training with which I made my gains .


The time is good then. Do you need to drop the weight at all during the sets?

>Nope .. Well, is this litle one thing the missing factor?

Not likely since your erections are good. If blood flow is not so good then it is not always easy to tell if gains have been made and jelqing can help this. I would do it anyway for the general health of your unit; hanging squashes everything up rather tight and getting some blood through by jelqing restores the circulation to normal quicker.

>I started today .. Well, thats what I mean .. I made the gain in okt and nov without heavy weight (but with your routin .. That kicked ass )

OK. So you went from October to now without gaining and without using a fulcrum after making some gains. Were you increasing the weight during this time or using the same amount?

>Sounds reasonable .. But I’ll continue with the fullcrumsituation now for another one or two months, and if there is no gain .. Astalababywista .. So dude, how long do I have to do Deconditioning ?<

I can’t remember how long my break was. 4-6 weeks sounds good.

>You won’t believe it .. I’m a virgin

Well take my word for it then. Keep your dick intact!

>SS4, I got another question: does this mean that I can just gain for 2 months and have to start decondition after? I mean, do the tissues get in these two months so hard?<

The way to judge is by how much weight you use. For me, my tissues seemed quite strong from the start so even after a break I could hang quite a high amount. I would say that if you needed to increase weight after a gain a break would not do much good as there would be new tissues coming into play which are fresh or ‘weak’ anyway.

>I think there was a member here, that hung for 6 weeks, stopped for another 6 weeks, and continued .. He just hung 2,5 kg and gained 3 inches in two years .. Is that possible?? I mean, this is the perfect decondition situation .<

I don’t know. I would say that is very improbable.

>1, continuing with the fulcrum. A training I’ve never done before

2, stop for, lets say, 6 weeks.

What would you do?<

I would continue with the fulcrum, unless you did not increase weight during your last angle (which I assume was SO but without fulcrum) in which case I would do that. My thought is, the addition of the fulcrum will let some different tissues take the stress, so some of the tissues that were being hit by your regular training will probably take less stress, and hence will decondition over time anyway.

Thx for the fast answer!!

The most important issue for now is that:

SS4:>I would continue with the fulcrum, unless you did not increase weight during your last angle (which I assume was SO but without fulcrum) in which case I would do that. My thought is, the addition of the fulcrum will let some different tissues take the stress, so some of the tissues that we’re being hit by your regular training will probably take less stress, and hence will decondition over time anyway.<

Well, I did not increase weight because of my glants. I would do, but the pressure of the hanger is sooo hard, that it hurts more, than the septum. Further, at the end of the session it starts to slip forward, and more pressure is impossible (I’m hanging 33 pounds right now), I tried very often, but it doesn’t work.

>My thought is, the addition of the fulcrum will let some different tissues take the stress, so some of the tissues that we’re being hit by your regular training will probably take less stress,<

That sounds reasonable! Never thougth of that, but now I understand. So I will now focus on fulcrum, and let the other training rest. I will measure in 4 to 5 weeks. And if there is no gain, I’ll take a break for about 6 weeks (like my USA Tour)

The other things:

>The time is good then. Do you need to drop the weight at all during the sets<

I not more than 5 pounds (so the last set is about 28)

>OK. So you went from October to now without gaining and without using a fulcrum after making some gains. We’re you increasing the weight during this time or using the same amount?<

I increased from 25 to 33 (but this increasement ended in the midd of december)


>Thx for the fast answer!!

No problem.

>Well, I did not increase weight because of my glants. I would do, but the pressure of the hanger is sooo hard, that it hurts more, than the septum. Further, at the end of the session it starts to slip forward, and more pressure is impossible (I’m hanging 33 pounds right now), I tried very often, but it doesn’t work.<

Yes even hard gaining dicks have limits.

>That sounds reasonable! Never thougth of that, but now I understand. So I will now focus on fulcrum, and let the other training rest. I will measure in 4 to 5 weeks. And if there is no gain, I’ll take a break for about 6 weeks (like my USA Tour)<

OK sounds like a plan. Post up about your experiences after 5 weeks and we can talk about it then. It will be good either way, because if you find you need a break you can spend time on other pursuits and things like having a social life, but if you gain, then… you gained. Win-win pretty much.

>I not more than 5 pounds (so the last set is about 28)

That’s fine, just checking.

Best of luck dude

Have you thought about incorporating an ADS system or a penimaster extender type device? Maybe the key to your gains is lower tension at a longer time, and keeping the tissues extended.

Damn 18 hours a day, heavy and no gains.

BTW, I’ m the opposite. Hanging kills my erections. Since I’ve beeen on break, it’s returned to normal.

…even stretched the rope of your hanger :eek: wow…


Hanging is not the “end-all-be-all” of PE. When my pumping gains went away, I tried manual. When my manual gains went away, I hung. When I plateaued from hanging, back to manual. The gains kept coming.

Have you tried jelqing between sets?


Well first of all, I make 18 hours a week, not a day ..

Next: I use ads for the rest of the day, and sometimes through the night ..

Last: I tried manuals, jelqing ‘n pumping .. Even altogether with hanging on one day .. For months

My decision is the following:

I’m gonna hang on for 4 weeks with fulcrum. When there is no gain, I’ll take off for 6 weeks, and return then to my old setup, with which I made the gains ..

If I gain at the end of the 4 weeks, I’ll go on with the fulcrum hanging, till I reach the point of no gain again .. Then rest .

Originally Posted by lost Guitar
I don’t believe in this shit like deconditon or rest, or whatever .. I believe this with BodyB. But not with stretching ..

Maybe you should do just that, rest, day-offs.

With you workout I’m amazed how your dick didn’t fall off.

Best of luck.


I can identify…..I use to jelq over an hour a day but it killed my erections also….I definitely got a larger flacid from Jelqing. It sits way bigger the rest of the day…Over-all I’ve been at this for a year and a half with no measureable gain….I do enjoy the larger flacid though….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

Hey Lost, Was there a period of time where you tried hanging lighter? Say around 12 to 15 lbs along with an ADS?

I just ran through a short period where I got a little enthusiasic, became sore and found that I actually lost some of my gains. Then when I lightened up the ligs relaxed a little and my gains began again. In my case I think some of my problem was diet because I started using NoX2. I could feel that my shaft was actually contracting because of abnormal and excessive stressing. Rebellion!

My son and his family are moving in with us for about 6 to 8 weeks so my routine is going to be non existent. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to labeling this as a forced deconditioning period. I’ve not done one before so it should be interesting.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

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