Hanging newbie uncut
Hello guys,
I’m very, very new to this whole PE-thing, and currently in my second week of “newbie routine”. So, basically I’m really small and have decided I’m going to devote at least a year to this (I know gains are really slow), and eventually I might even go with a non-surgical way (most likely PMMA for those familiar with it) to gain girth, as I am very, very thin (something like 4.13” in MSEG). My length while perhaps not as catastrophical is really bad too at 5.8” BPEL. From what I’ve been able to read up on, gaining girth is really sketchy and not necessarily even possible for everyone through manual PE (or even using equipment), whereas it seems very few fail to gain length if they just keep at it. I do plan to finish the newbie routine (which would be somewhere late january or so), and from what I’ve read the single best way to gain length is by hanging, all other alternatives seems to not even be close. Yes, I’m aware this will create even more of a pencil dick than I have right now, but as I somewhat doub’t I will be able to gain that much girth without actually doing something medicine-related (no, I refuse to do surgery, I could perhaps cut my ligaments to avoid a somewhat turtling penis but that’s about it, but PMMA/FFT doesn’t seem even remotely as scary as real surgery), I don’t see a big problem with gaining length before doing PMMA in the future. Something like 1-1.3” (having a 7” BPEL would make be incredibly happy lengthwise) in 1-1.5 years would be supercool, and then be able to perhaps do this PMMA should it turn out that the pioneers ain’t having anything more than minor complications at most (yes I know, still doesn’t say much about complications 5 years+ but I’m in very bad shape self-esteem wise here).
So, basically I’ve been looking at a bib starter, but have also been reading about uncut guys (I’m european) using vacuum hangers instead.any suggestions? And will I being uncut even be able to use the bib starter, the majority of all of you are cut so it’s hard to find good info on that. I have a really bad flaccid length, just above 2.75” NBEP for most of the day at it’s smallest, randomly unturtles and becomes 4” on and off though, and something 4” FLBP, (yes I have been blessed with a fatpad too without being much overweight at all, heh, will get rid of that through rigorous weight-lifting though).
So basically, given hanging seems to be the way to go after the newbie routine, how does that work out for me being uncut and rather small to start with? Any ideas/suggestions are welcome, even unrelated to my exact questions of course. I’ve got basically unlimited amount of time fwiw.
Thanks in advance guys.