Has anyone continued PE while having a painless, nearly unnoticeable thrombosed vein?
Hey all,
I’ve had a T vein near my glans for over 5 months, during which I’ve done zero PE. Right now, I feel no discomfort at all, not during day to day activities or during retracting the foreskin which goes over the area of the vein. But I can still feel the thrombosis with my finger, which is a small lump about the size of a grain of rice.
Can I PE conservatively with heavy warm up? In the past, I have felt discomfort after beating off a few days in a row, (Probably caused by the foreskin going over the T-vein many times) but this discomfort is gone after 3-4 more days of not beating off. So could I just PE carefully (Mostly stretching which wouldnt aggravate the T vein as much), and see if I feel any discomfort? If I do, I am sure it will be minor and go away after a few days. And if I don’t feel discomfort, I will take some rest days and repeat. Has anyone else experienced this or tried to do something similar?
So it seems like the T-vein is healing until it is almost better, then stopping. Maybe my body has just gotten used to the T vein and rerouted the veins around it after months? Does anyone know what happens to a long standing T vein?