Thunder's Place

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Having a problem while jelqing.

Having a problem while jelqing.

When I first started PE I could easily stretch and then jelq for 5-10 minutes with out a problem. Now that I am about 4 weeks in I have begun to get erect almost every time I begin to stretch or jelq. This is frustrating in its own right since it makes jelq sessions take up to an hour. Is this a good or bad PI? And any further advice?

and of 2008: BPEL-5.75 EG-4.35 . (Goal was - 7x5)

end of 2009: BPEL-7.1 EG-4.8 (I was happy with my gains and got lazy and left the game)

2018: Ive returned after 10 years out of the game to chase that mythic 8x6

I have no helpful advise.

Perhaps you were doing the jelqing at first but now Tyler has taken over?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Try stretching your legs, or finding something to watch while you jelq. If you’re sitting there watching yourself molest your penis you’ll eventually grow a boner, but if you’re watching a movie like The Departed or Resident Evil 3, you won’t really notice, even if you’ve gone days without spanking it. Also, if you stretch your limbs after getting an erection the boner should subside with the redirection of your blood flow.

Are you able to get really full erections, disciple? Also, are this not-wanted erections slitghtly aching? If so, you have done too much too early, so it could be a protective reaction of your body. Take 2-3 weeks of ‘tapering’, doing just some light piss pulls and massaging your penis after the warm-up; to this 2-3 times a week, the goal being to speed-up recovery.

Make us know how it goes.

I was already able to get full erections but it never happened during PE when I did not want it to. The erections I get don’t hurt by any means, they just keep me from continuing. Like I said I had already been doing this same routine for a month with no problems. I could stretch on it and jelq on it repeatedly without getting hard. I’m not sitting there zoning into my workout, staring at my junk, and causing my own erections. They are just happening now, almost immediately whenever I induce any blood flow through my penis via PE.

and of 2008: BPEL-5.75 EG-4.35 . (Goal was - 7x5)

end of 2009: BPEL-7.1 EG-4.8 (I was happy with my gains and got lazy and left the game)

2018: Ive returned after 10 years out of the game to chase that mythic 8x6

What usually works for me when getting even semi errect (any more than 50% errect jelq hurts alot) is applying pressure with your thumb and index finger on the glans (shouldn’t be uncomfortable or pain full) and usually it goes down for me.

"Aww man I shot marvin in the face"

September 08: E nbp L:6.9/G: 4.8

Goal: E nbp 7.6X5.5

Originally Posted by disciple2288
I’m not sitting there zoning into my workout, staring at my junk, and causing my own erections. They are just happening now, almost immediately whenever I induce any blood flow through my penis via PE.

That’s what happened to me just right I was aware I was overtrained.

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