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Head size

Head size

I started PE a few months ago. I did it for a month straight, but I had to quit & start again for certain reasons. I have gained in size & in girth, but there is one thing that does concern me. My head looks smaller than it did when my dick was shorter. My head gets back to the size that it was only when I do a kegel. Does anyone have a reasonable answer for this problem. I’m glad that my dick is longer, but I don’t like having a smaller head.

Maybe you just got thicker and thid is making you think that you’re head got smaller.

Anyway ULI claims to be a great head exercise. :)

What is uli? I don’t think that it’s in my mind, but it could be. It just makes you feel weird when you look at your hard cock & realize something looks different. I like my long schlong.

Originally Posted by nataki
I started PE a few months ago. I did it for a month straight, but I had to quit & start again for certain reasons. I have gained in size & in girth, but there is one thing that does concern me. My head looks smaller than it did when my dick was shorter. My head gets back to the size that it was only when I do a kegel. Does anyone have a reasonable answer for this problem. I’m glad that my dick is longer, but I don’t like having a smaller head.

It’s time to enter your PE Statistics and Routine. It’s :easy:
Click the “quick links” at the top and then click the PE Statistics. It’s a good thing.

Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500

Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000

"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.

What most likely happened is that your shaft girth increased while your glans stayed the same. It is common with PEers.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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I think the head seems it shrank probably because blood engorgement in the head has decreased. I especially think this because you say that it returns to size during a kegel, which presumably sends or keeps more blood trapped.

An erection is not like a light switch flipped to on; it is more like varying a dimmer. It may take a stronger erection to much fill the corpus spongiosum and thus the glans.

If anything diminishes my erection strength, it is most noticeable in decreased head engorgement.

Dude in a lot of cases it’s good to have a small head size. Many would say the perfect penis is a small head, bigger shaft, then bigger base girth because you will still be able to have anal, get head, and fuck pussies.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Maybe some would say it is better to have a small head, but I think that most women, at least those who are fond of penises, prefer a big head. About this, I have not got many express indications from women themselves. But the few express indications from them, and the other suggestions that I have got, almost wholly show, at least to me, women’s general preference for a big head.

The tightest part of the vagina, or even anus, is usually the opening, while the depths are much looser. Meanwhile, the head is the most compressible part of the penis. So even if the head is big, I really do figure — although admittedly I do not have the big head which I would like — that the head can be compressed enough for insertion. Then, after insertion, the head can swell again to provide more girth within the looser depths. That is just my own logic about it, even though the few times that I tried to get some women’s direct answers on head size’s effect on their enjoyment of intercourse, I got no clear responses.

The only couple pointed indications, from women, that I recall being made, unasked but specifically, about head size were not about intercourse. One woman, who, although she liked penises overall, thought nearly all penises ugly and unpleasant to look at, yet had seen a few she thought pretty and which she loved for that, said, among other things, when I asked her the distinctions, that she thought they looked much worse when the head was smaller than the shaft. She brought up head size on her own; I had not mentioned head size at all.

The other woman, an avid penis fan, said that, although she loved to look at them all, she especially liked to see ones with big heads because then she imagined the particular feeling of that kind in her mouth. My own question to her had provoked this answer from her, but in asking, I had not mentioned head size at all. Meanwhile, I have never heard any woman express a preference for a small or even average head. My impression is that, generally, women are either mostly neutral about head size, or, if they do have preferences, prefer big, or at least not small, head size versus the shaft.

I do speculate, merely speculate, that women with some degree of aversion to penises probably prefer a small, or at least not big, head. But as for women who especially like penises, I think that they tend to like them more when the head is big, or at least not small.

Last edited by instance : 08-28-2007 at .

Alrighty then.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

i dont really think most women consider head size as a science. sometimes they just say fuck me & they leave it at that. but its good to see that people actually think about these things.

I, too, as expressed in my own post, really doubt that women consider head size a science. But, given the existence of this thread, it seems that you and I and some other men do.

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