Thunder's Place

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Heat "before","during", or "after" Stretching.

Heat "before","during", or "after" Stretching.

Im a little confused on the plastic/elastic heating issue associated with stretching. Ive read alot of related threads, but heres my question..


Is it going to be more beneficial to use heat before stretching AND during stretching?

Or is it more beneficial to use heat before stretching and NOT during stretching?

What are your thoughts on this? Any input is greatly appreciated… Thanks!

Current:3/31/2004 NBPEL----7.0" Base EG---5.25 Midshaft 4.8125

Start: 10/15/2004 NBPEL----5.9375" Base EG--5.0625" Midshaft 4.625

I think most folks would agree that heat both before and during stretching is beneficial. The time when many consider it counterproductive is after stretching.

I read somewhere that heating after stretching allows it to retract back to its original length, whereas not heating afterwards makes it “freeze” in the elongated state. Nevertheless, I’ve been heating after stretching and jelqing in order to warm down, since I’ve seen so many routines involving warm-downs. There seems to be a lot of contradictory advice on warming down, so I hope I’m doing the right thing.


My own feeling is that it probably doesn’t make a big difference either way, and your method is, at the least, probably good for overall penile health. If you have trouble making gains at some point, maybe you could try dropping the post-workout heat and see if that makes a difference.

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