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Anyone massage or use localized heat while stretching?

Anyone massage or use localized heat while stretching?

I’ve been trying some minor variations while doing some light stretching (around 5 lbs) - and notice that I get lots more penis mass and reduced tendency to numbness if I employ decent massage along the shaft while stretching - seems like massage and heat while stretching could be beneficial, anyone tried this over a decent period of time?


I’ve been into PE for about a month now, and I’ve just started using a microwavable hot pack instead of the wet wrap. The brand i use is by KAZ, and it has considerable weight to it, maybe about 2-3 pounds. I wrap my dick in it and it holds with velcro, so I can let the wrap hang, or stretch my dick through the open end of it, or pull on the wrap to stretch. The wrap can hold its heat for up to twenty minutes, plenty of time for a heated stretch workout. After I take it off, I massage my hot shaft to the right, ‘cause I’m working on straightening my slight bend. It really seems to be a lot more pliable from the wrap, and fills to semi bone very quickly.

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