Heat Hanging Less Fatigue?

I’ve been hanging consistently for about 5 months.

I’ve been able to hit and ride fatigue by simply using a certain hanging weight.

I recently introduced a microwavable rice pack to add heat to my hanging. I find that it’s harder to hit fatigue in general when I apply heat at the same hanging weight. When I don’t apply heat I’m able to hit fatigue easier and faster.

My assumption is that heat loosens the penis more and therefore it’s more malleable, and when you hang there aren’t as many microtears and therefore you don’t feel the fatigue as much? I would think even though I don’t feel fatigue as much, it’s still performing the same stretching, but just in a much safer and faster manner.

I’m afraid to increase the hanging weight while applying heat because I’m trying to keep that as low as possible for as long as possible.