Heat, Warmups, And Warm Downs

Happy New Year everyone!

I’ve been reading through the forums and I see everyone makes the point that heat is the key to gains. I’m still relatively new to PE, and I’ve been working on the newbie program for about three weeks now and have seen some gains.

I’m a “long shower” person, so I’ve been performing the newbie exercises in the shower as follows.

5-10min wrap with warm-to-hot washcloth
50 clockwise spins
50 counter-clockwise spins

10min manual stretches
10min jelqing

5min wrap for warm down with warm-to-hot washcloth

My question is — am I applying enough “heat” with just the warmup/warm down? Should I wrap for a period before moving onto the jelqs?

Obviously I know things are mostly up to how I feel, and so far so good.

Was just curious if anyone had any thoughts!