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Help Me New Guy Using Pro Extender Traction

Help Me New Guy Using Pro Extender Traction

Hi I’m 22 years of age. New to Penis Enlargement.
My NBPEL is 6.1” full erect and I want to touch 7” NBPEL.
So I bought a pro extender yesterday used it for 3 hours with 2 breaks and did some massaging after removing it.

My Question is. How much to extend Your flaccid penis in the extender?? (Currently I stretch my penis to 6” NBPFL flaccid.) Since my erect size is 6.2” NBP should I be extending it beyond 6.2 or less than 6 say 5” for beginner. ??

I’m using 900g tension basic. And am comfortable with stretched flaccid penis at 6” but my balls r getting Into base plate sometimes which hurts. Keeping the penis face down in loose pants

I’m clean off pot and smoking since 6-8 months.

Today after 2hr session of extending I did some penis and pelvic massage and exercise with coconut oil in warm bath for 1hour now wearing again after bath.

Please help wish you all good confidence and happy sex life with big dick

Help me I’m new. This is my day 3 And I am waiting for tips to wear my pro extender tension device as per your tips

Hi. You have asked the same question in an another thread. I have left you an answer there.

Originally Posted by norwegian wood
Hi. You have asked the same question in an another thread. I have left you an answer there.

I asked one more question after that please can you answer that? Thanks.

Originally Posted by Zilongpro
I asked one more question after that please can you answer that? Thanks.

Don’t be lazy. Do some research. There is a TON of information about extending all over the net.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
Don’t be lazy. Do some research. There is a TON of information about extending all over the net.

I’m not being lazy. Extensive research on the internet has finally bought me to this forum. And I believe there’s no other forum exclusively for PE. So that’s why I’m asking for tips here.

You are being lazy to help.

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