Thunder's Place

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Help Vets - Pointing slightly right Horse 440s.

Help Vets - Pointing slightly right Horse 440s.

Hey All,
Things have been going ok with the routine , not noticing any major changes. The other day I started doing Horse 440s.. I know I’ve only been at this a few months but they seem to be ok. I noticed a big increase one night when erect I seemed heaps longer and thicker than normal ! I haven’t seen that again though so it must have been a temporary inflation but I’m trying not to measure too much.
Anyways guys just wondering if you had any advice , basically I’m doing the extended newbie routine with 10 horse’s at the end , is this going to inhibit length gains ? Should I do DLD blasters as well for length , and how do you do those , I understand the first part but I don’t get the A stretch thing.
Also I’ve noticed during my workout today that my dick is pointing to the right when hard , how do I correct this ? Jelq to the left ?
Thanks guys , am I rushing ahead ? I just really want to get this happening and my dick seems to be dealing with it all fine , but any senoirs chime in at any point if you think I’m going to be hurting myself by rushing, I’ve been at this on and off so I guess in total I’ve been at it about 5 months , but I’ve only been consistent lately for nearly 3.

I’ve gained length but no girth , Length - BPEL - is one ruler mark behind the 7inch mark YES!! Nearly there !! , Girth is still only half way between 4 and 5 inches whatever the correct term is for non metric.
Funny thing is I’m not sure whether it was the horses that gave me the length or not or just my regular routine , but horses are for girth and I haven’t seen any changes yet although I’ve only done 3 sessions and the first two I only did 5 reps now I’m doing 10 for my 3rd session so I’ll wait and see I guess.

Any comments welcome , I’m going to get the size I want or die trying !

If your dick is curving to the right, then yes, jelqing to the left helps correct it.

The A-Stretch (for the DLD Blasters) is when you wrap your flacid penis over your right wrist, and grasp your penis with your left hand. Meanwhile your right hand is holding your left wrist. (Try it, its less confusing than it sounds lol)

Adding Horse440s wont inhibit gains, but will probably target girth over length.

To aim for length more, add DLD blasters, JAI stretches, LDP stretches, V-Stretches.
(Search if unsure on any of those stretches)

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Hmmm I'm worried my problem may go deeper than that.

I’ve actually been having a little bit of discomfort from what I think was an injury. When manual stretching one day I felt a sharp pain in the left side of my dick like a muscle or something pulling. That pain has kinda stuck with me I’ve taken time off and started again gently but maybe I’ve pulled something and because the right side is stronger it’s pulling right ? Not sure there is no real pain just sometimes if I’m too rough it’ll twinge .

Should I give it a rest for a while ? I don’t want to stop because I’m making good gains but at the same time I don’t want to hurt myself.

Thanks for the reply dude I’ll look into those methods , any thoughts on the possible injury or do you think just go easy and stick with it but jelq left now ?


Ok so I still feel discomfort up the lefthand side but had an erection then and was quite impressed and it’s straight again ! Weird . . . … Maybe a day or two off is in order. I’ve also got the infamous red spots on my lil fella :(

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