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HELP. Weird stringy-like vein appearing after jelqing

HELP. Weird stringy-like vein appearing after jelqing

Hey, I started jelqing a while ago, and a weird stringy vein appeared. The vein is pretty hard, so if I do masturbate, and I push on the vein, it does hurt. It doesn’t look like a vein though, from the outside you can barely see it, only when I grab my penis I can feel it. It is very hard to describe, only happens when I have an erection, right under the knob of my penis.. It’s very annoying. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

I had that thingy, I stopped jelqing and in a few weeks it dissappeared. Then I started jelqing again, and it came back

If it weren’t for the fact that you say it hurts, I would say that it’s just extra veins which is a good thing. Post another thread in the injuries section with a pic so we can better understand what you mean and then link to that thread here. I say that because pics aren’t allowed in the newbie forum and injuries forum is usually pretty quiet.

Thing is, you can’t see it. Only when you push against it. It’s kind of like a piece wire under my skin. I don’t think it’s an injury, I probably have a shit penis haha. It only hurts when I am jacking off fast, it’s more of an annoyance. Just imagine a metal wire under ur foreskin when you rub it ;)

Last edited by 6inchmonter : 11-30-2010 at .

Wait where exactly is the discomfort and the ‘vein’?

It’s right under the head of the penis.

Yea it sounds like thrombosed veins.. When I first got it, I did take some time off jelqing. Once they were gone, I started doing it again yesterday and the veins popped up again the next day.


Originally Posted by 6inchmonter
It’s right under the head of the penis.

Yea it sounds like thrombosed veins.. When I first got it, I did take some time off jelqing. Once they were gone, I started doing it again yesterday and the veins popped up again the next day.


Sounds like a thrombosed vein to me. I get them all the time (even before PE) and gently massaging them (often with light heat, in the shower for instance) usually helps them go away for me.

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