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Help with extender.

Help with extender.

I’m starting to use a extender (2 weeks) but it isn’t making my shaft longer..

Instead, it is “pulling” my dick out of my body.. I don’t how to explain, but it seems that the pressure did by the base of my extender against my pelvis is exposing some inner penis by pushing my skin/pelvis into my body while pulling the dick out.

I can all ready measure 0.4cm of difference lengthwise but my dick didn’t seems longer.. It seems more “exposed”.

I need to know if this is normal, and if someone who achieved gains with a extender has passed through something like this.

If it is normal I also wanna know if the extenders really make the dicks/shafts longer or just make the dicks more “exposed”.

I hope you guys can understand what I’m trying to describe. Thanks.


You are looking for results after two weeks in a process that requires hundreds of hours to produce measurable results. This is not a fast process.

Relative to your question as to whether the results come from growth throughout the shaft or by pulling your “inner penis” out, there could be some of both happening here, but you are losing me when you say that your dick is more “exposed” in the same breath as you haven’t seen gains? So yes, I find your post to be somewhat confusing, but others might surely understand what you are saying, it could just be me.

Have you ever done any manual PE before?

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

As long as there is a stretch, its probably working. Stretching means micro-trauma and that means gains over time. You don’t necessarily need to stretch that much more than your BPEL to gain from what I’ve understood till now.

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

Originally Posted by LittleEngine

You are looking for results after two weeks in a process that requires hundreds of hours to produce measurable results. This is not a fast process.

Relative to your question as to whether the results come from growth throughout the shaft or by pulling your “inner penis” out, there could be some of both happening here, but you are losing me when you say that your dick is more “exposed” in the same breath as you haven’t seen gains? So yes, I find your post to be somewhat confusing, but others might surely understand what you are saying, it could just be me.

Have you ever done any manual PE before?

I know that it is supposed to be a long process, but what I’m aiming with this post is to know that if I’m “walking in the right direction” to make gains or not.

I can see I little difference in length if I measure, but I don’t think that the shaft is longer. I think that more or less, the extender pushed my fat pad, although I’m a very skinny guy, allowing the ruler to measure more length.

I wanna know if this is normal/common, so I can/will know that I’m possibly “walking in the right direction” to make gains, and if the extender will also effectively make my shaft longer instead of just “exposing the inner penis”..

Thank you and sorry for the confusing post.

Originally Posted by Egotesticle
As long as there is a stretch, its probably working. Stretching means micro-trauma and that means gains over time. You don’t necessarily need to stretch that much more than your BPEL to gain from what I’ve understood till now.

What I’m supposed to feel exactly when stretching through the extender? Like, what kind of pain?

I’m primarily feeling a burning/pressure on the base of the extender and only sometimes through the shaft.. Is that ok? Because if I lower the length of my extender by taking out one rod of each side I almost don’t feel nothing. So I still don’t know if its better to use the former way, or with one pair of rods less.

Also, I don’t think I can’t stretch pass my BPEL, but I can stretch pass my NBPEL.

Thank you.

Read through this excellent thread posted by Thoughtfulgold.

How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)

As long as you are screwing out the rods to move into tension you are moving in the right direction. Not sure which extender your are using, but there is most likely three index lines. The first line farthest from base is the least amount of tension, the third closest to base is the greatest tension.

Time and tension is the formula for gains.

You do not always need to feel a burning sensation.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Smallnomore
What I’m supposed to feel exactly when stretching through the extender? Like, what kind of pain?

I’m primarily feeling a burning/pressure on the base of the extender and only sometimes through the shaft.. Is that ok? Because if I lower the length of my extender by taking out one rod of each side I almost don’t feel nothing. So I still don’t know if its better to use the former way, or with one pair of rods less.

Also, I don’t think I can’t stretch pass my BPEL, but I can stretch pass my NBPEL.

Thank you.

Thats very good, just be sure to warm it up before you extend. Also you should not feel pain but rather a tingly sensation maybe otchy a bit or burning as you say but if it is too much, take it slow. Better safe than sorry (warming up decreases chances of an injury).

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

Originally Posted by Smallnomore
I’m starting to use a extender (2 weeks) but it isn’t making my shaft longer..

Instead, it is “pulling” my dick out of my body.. I don’t how to explain, but it seems that the pressure did by the base of my extender against my pelvis is exposing some inner penis by pushing my skin/pelvis into my body while pulling the dick out.

I can all ready measure 0.4cm of difference lengthwise but my dick didn’t seems longer.. It seems more “exposed”.

I need to know if this is normal, and if someone who achieved gains with a extender has passed through something like this.

If it is normal I also wanna know if the extenders really make the dicks/shafts longer or just make the dicks more “exposed”.

I hope you guys can understand what I’m trying to describe. Thanks.

I had a similar experience. During my first few weeks using an extender, my turtling became much less resulting in a longer flaccid which I really wanted. With continued use I have gradually increased a length, but as others have mentioned: it’s a slow process. I have been very pleased with reduction in turtling. I don’t know if that’s a result of “pulling it out of my body” or what.

Originally Posted by LittleEngine
Read through this excellent thread posted by Thoughtfulgold.

How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)

As long as you are screwing out the rods to move into tension you are moving in the right direction. Not sure which extender your are using, but there is most likely three index lines. The first line farthest from base is the least amount of tension, the third closest to base is the greatest tension.

Time and tension is the formula for gains.

You do not always need to feel a burning sensation.

Ok thanks.

But, if time and tension is the formula, is more tension always better? I’m asking this because searching through the net I can find guys saying that higher tension levels are better when other guys are saying otherwise.

Last edited by Smallnomore : 02-26-2019 at .

Originally Posted by Smallnomore
Ok thanks.

But, if time and tension is the formula, is more tension always better? I’m asking this because searching through the net I can find guys saying that higher tension levels are better when other guys are saying otherwise.

The idea is to determine what is the lowest tension level that you can gain at. The concept being that as you require more tension to produce gains the penis is becoming more resistive to growth, toughens if you will.

This is why many will recommend starting with manual exercises like jelqing to exhaust the lower tension gains potential before moving to the more extreme device centric methods that run with higher force. The idea being that if you start with too much force early on you will toughen the penis and prematurely cap your gains potential.

So ease into it and watch the results closely.

What I have stated above is one thought process, others might have another take on the matter.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Egotesticle

Thats very good, just be sure to warm it up before you extend. Also you should not feel pain but rather a tingly sensation maybe otchy a bit or burning as you say but if it is too much, take it slow. Better safe than sorry (warming up decreases chances of an injury).

I’m not warming up but it sounds like a good idea.. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Turtleman

I had a similar experience. During my first few weeks using an extender, my turtling became much less resulting in a longer flaccid which I really wanted. With continued use I have gradually increased a length, but as others have mentioned: it’s a slow process. I have been very pleased with reduction in turtling. I don’t know if that’s a result of “pulling it out of my body” or what.

Good to know! But how much tension were you using?

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