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High LOT - length gains

High LOT - length gains

I have started PE this week (using the newbie routine) and keep seeing posts about quick legth gains for guys with high LOT. I have an LOT of around 9.30, so does this mean if I were to put a lot of emphasis on manual stretches I would have more chance of making quick length gains.

Also does anyone have any other advice for someone with high LOT.

BTW my stats are

EG 6”

Another option is hanging straight down with such a high lot also. You can make your own hanger with plenty of instruction here for super cheap (not many Euros). Or you could purchase one. Congrats on a High Lot, it is like finding money on the ground.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Your starting stats are my goals. Having a high LOT means your suspensory and fundiform ligaments, which anchor your penis to your pubic bone, are holding on tightly to your shaft, causing your penis to ride high. By stretching those ligaments, your shaft will gradually be made to exit your abdomen at a lower point, so that portions of your shaft that were previously inside your body will be outside. The effect is to increase the length of the part of your penis that’s outside.

Note that stretching these ligaments doesn’t by itself lengthen your shaft. It won’t reach any further past your belly button than it does now. You shaft simply exits further down, causing its length when measured bottom to top to increase.

Both manual stretching and hanging should loosen these ligaments, especially with the use of heat. Concentrate on lower angles, such as SD (stright down) and BTC (between the cheeks). Study the hanger’s forum carefully. You will probably start to see results within a couple of months.

That is the best, simplest explaination I’ve read regarding Ligs on this Forum. Now, is this true? :)

Originally Posted by haha

That is the best, simplest explaination I’ve read regarding Ligs on this Forum. Now, is this true? :)

No he lied. He cant help it he’s just pathological.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Last edited by ModestoMan : 08-27-2005 at .

I thought so :)

I no MM did not lie, I was just curious if others agreed on this explanation of the ligs.


Thanks guys,

I think I’m gonna do my stretches and jelqs downwards from now on.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

Your starting stats are my goals. Having a high LOT means your suspensory and fundiform ligaments, which anchor your penis to your pubic bone, are holding on tightly to your shaft, causing your penis to ride high. By stretching those ligaments, your shaft will gradually be made to exit your abdomen at a lower point, so that portions of your shaft that were previously inside your body will be outside. The effect is to increase the length of the part of your penis that’s outside.

The only change I would make to this paragraph is that the ligaments aren’t necessarily holding the shaft “tightly.” They’re just pulling back on the shaft (at all angles below your LOT) and preventing it from hanging down further.

If you have high LOT, stretching your ligs will express more of your penis and allow it to hang lower. If you have low LOT, stretching your ligs will be (1) difficult and (2) not very effective, because your ligs simply aren’t limiting how far you can pull out your penis except at very low angles.

So would it best to stick to the newbie routine or are there any exercises specifically for high LOT that a newbie like me can handle? What would be the best routine for me in your opinions.

You should definitely stick with the newbie routine for a couple of months before trying anything more ellaborate. For quick results, you might want to emphasize downward manual stretches, but be careful not to rush into anything.

Hi ModestoMan, if you had a 7:00 LOT, what manual exercises would you do…and for how many months?

Thanks in advance :)

I do (did) have a LOT of 7:00. I was very lazy with manual stretches at first, and concentrated mostly on jelqing and squeezes. That got me about 1/2” of length gain. Unfortunately (or maybe not), it also got me 0.7” of girth gain. I believe my quick, early girth gains may have inhibited subsequent length gains, because I haven’t grown since.

If you want to avoid repeating my mistake, I would suggest doing some hard manual stretching, straight out or straight up, in addition to LIGHT jelqing. Emphasize the stretches. They’re boring as hell to do, but many people have said they can be very effective for newbies. Pull hard, but don’t hurt yourself.

Take careful measurements. If you find that your length starts to plateau after 3 months or so, consider adding hanging, again at high angles. Once your LOT comes up, add some between-the-cheeks hanging sets to pull out those tunica gains.

Of course, if girth is your primary goal, go straight to jelqing. Work up slowly. After a few weeks, you should be able to apply a great deal of force. Work at high erection levels, but avoid anything over 80%. To me, that means never jelq with my penis pointing above the horizontal. Be very careful with this. A blown out vein will set you back several weeks.

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