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Homemade Power Jelq Quick Question

Homemade Power Jelq Quick Question

I have made a power jelq device out of canning jar lifters and foam rollers.

My question is regarding the rollers.

I have cut them long so that they do not roll, which provides a really good grip on my unit, but is it better for me to cut them shorter so that they roll freely?


Originally Posted by stereomike
I have made a power jelq device out of canning jar lifters and foam rollers.

My question is regarding the rollers.

I have cut them long so that they do not roll, which provides a really good grip on my unit, but is it better for me to cut them shorter so that they roll freely?


stereomike,I’ve made the same thing and the only way that it will roll, is to make sure that the pins that the rollers attach to are straight out and don’t angle in. I’ve asked about that myself and it seems that rolling doesn’t matter that much. It’s the grip ,tightness, that you use on your unit that does the jelq well. With that said,maybe the foam just makes it softer on your unit and is not needed.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

The rollers are not supposed to roll.

I was set straight on this issue seven years and four days ago: cheap power jelq

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