Homemade Power JELQ
Here is how I crafted a Homemade Power Jelq device:
(1) Mirro Jar Lifter, from local hardware store that sells canning/jarring products. Cost: 7.99 plus tax.
(1) Piece of foam tubing, 1/2 inch inner diameter, from Lowes (or home depot). Cost: .97 cents plus tax.
(1) roll of duct tape (you don’t use much). I had some at home. Cost: none.
(1) ruler and (1) knife or sissors for measuring and cutting the foam tubing.
Attached are the pictures.
First, I pulled off the plastic “rolling” piece from the tongs.
Measured, and then cut the foam tubing.
Then, I used the duct tape and wrapped the plastic “roller” from the tongs. You can use just about anything
to wrap it, since the width of the platic rolling piece doesn’t match up with the inner diameter of the foam tubing.
Once you have both plastic pieces wrapped, push them into the foam tubing. The tubing I am using is NOT the self-
adhesive type, but you can certainly use it!
Once you have done that, pop the plastic tube with the foam back onto the tongs.
Now you have a homemade “Power Jelq” device for less than 10 bucks, and about 5-10 minutes worth of “work.”
1. All the tools and supplies.
2. Measuring the plastic piece to the foam.
3. Plastic piece with 2 foam covers.
4. Plastic roller with duct tape over it.
5. Inserting plastic tube into foam piece.
6. Pictures of one roller on.
7. Final product (a bit blurry).