Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Power JELQ

I’ve found that my “home made” PJ works way better than jelqing with your hands. I made my PJ about 3 months ago and am loving it. The work outs are much shorter in time now. If ya’ll have trouble finding one localy you can try the

Thats where i had to procure my jar lifter from.

MM,that is just another thing that makes this forum so awesome.Good ole fashion ingenuity at it’s finest.Great work man.I’m going to build one of these and try it out.Hell for 10 bucks even if I never use it what have I lost really?Once again great idea my friend.Oh by the way,the pic in your avatar kinda looks like Napoleon Dynamite.No offense intended.

Dino, thank you.

GRX, I still have about 4 feet of foam left! More than enough to replace the old rollers.

Pud, It seems to work very well. There is some rotation in the rollers, but not a lot. Jelqing with the homemade PJ is far easier on the hands. I’d like to give it a month or 2 of use, and then I’ll report back. I personally think this will jumpstart my gains again. I’ve been stuck at my current measurements for a number of months now, with no real routine.

Thanks Chainz_8. Very easy and very inexpensive product to make. I have a feeling you will enjoy using it.

No offense about the avatar. It is actually “Booger” from Revenge of the Nerds. I like that t-shirt he has on.

“Gimme head till I’m dead”


Nice presentation of an older idea. The pictures are great.

Foam tubing?

I can’t find the foam tubing that is not split. The closest thing is the foam pipe insulation at HD. Where are you guys getting it without the split which renders it useless for the PJ. Where at Lowes or WalMart or HD and for what purpose is the tubing used for?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

If it’s split and pre-glued (plastic strip over the split ends) it will work. Read the thread I linked. If it is partially split and not preglued, you’ll need some contact cement. Again, check that thread.

Originally Posted by Pud

Wow that seems easy enough, how well does it work? And I dont mean in comparison to the power jelqer I mean how well does it work in comparison to jelqing with you’re hands?

That issue is probably best left for a search or a new thread. Let’s limit this thread to discussion about how this PE device can easily made at home.

Big Girtha,

The foam piece I purchased was from Lowes. It is used for pipe insulation. The actual piece was not split all the way through, maybe about 3/4 of the way. Like Hobby said, you can get the self-adhesive piping (with the sticky sides to seal it). Or, glue it together.

Originally Posted by Pud
Wow that seems easy enough, how well does it work? And I don’t mean in comparison to the power jelqer I mean how well does it work in comparison to jelqing with you’re hands?

It is so much easier and produces more blood flow there really isn’t a comparison.

WOG 6/1/04 Starting stats: 7.2 BPEL/ 6.2 Erect girth @ base 9/10/04 7.6 BPEL/ 7.2/7.3 Erect girth @ base 7/10/05 8.3 BPEL 7.2 Erect girth @ base 10/10/05 8.4 BPEL x 6.20 Midshaft/7.3 EG@base Current 8.65 BPELx 6.50 Midshaft/7.5 EG @ base Routines: Power Jelq or Manual/ Stretch w/Power Assist Stretcher: 20 min daily ea/ Clamp or Pump 3x's daily 15 min.

Ok. I guess it would help to know what a canning tong actually is. I walked into walmart trying to find the thing and asked a person there and they didn’t know, and I told her I didn’t know and she asked like 2 other people who I had to explain the same story to so I finally just said it doesn’t matter and left. What section would it be in and what is it used for?

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Originally Posted by Workoutguy

It is so much easier and produces more blood flow there really isn’t a comparison.

How long did you jelq by hand before using the power jelq device? I think I might have to build one of these things. However I have a jelq method that cant possibly be anymore efficient. I haven’t posted anything about it because I worry about newbies trying it out and popping a blood vessel.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by goingfor8at
Ok. I guess it would help to know what a canning tong actually is. I walked into walmart trying to find the thing and asked a person there and they didn’t know, and I told her I didn’t know and she asked like 2 other people who I had to explain the same story to so I finally just said it doesn’t matter and left. What section would it be in and what is it used for?

You will want to get on the phone and call hardware stores. You might not be able to find this thing in you’re city and end up ordering it online.

samusposted posted a link to a cannary

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I’ve never canned, but I think home canning requires sterilizing the glass jars of peaches, tomatoes or whatever in a big pot of boiling water. Canning tongs are used to delicately fish the jars out of the boiling water so the contents don’t cook too much.

You might find canning tongs in an old-style comprehensive hardware or “dry goods” store. Such stores are rare in big cities these days because big stores like Home Despot and Walfart have driven them out of business, but I see them in small towns.

I always see canning tongs in cooking utensil stores that cater to household gourmet cooks. If you live in a city with more than, say, 50,000 people there should be one around. Examples here in Seattle are Sur la Table, City Kitchens and Ms. Cooks.

Thanks for the description, guess I’ll have to do a little research.

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:


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