Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Power JELQ

I’ve always wanted to get the PJ, but found it a bit expensive. When jelquing my hands get tired pretty fast if I do some good ones. This might be the solution for me!

PJ modification

Guys: I’ve just made a nice little discovery on improving your PJ. Whether you make a home made version from the instructions in this thread or just want to improve the one you paid through the nose for, try this. Go to Home Depot to the pipe insulation isle. Don’t buy the package of precut tubes, but rather the long single tube that is already glued together. It cost about a buck. Replace your rollers with this. Cut the pieces a little longer than the rollers that came with your PJ, about two inches longer. It doesn’t matter that the 1-1/2” diameter tube is bigger around than the pvc tube, because the extra length will make the fit snug. It will also cause a small bow outward giving you much more surface area to grip with. This slight outward bow works really well to keep your dick from sliding to the side. Use it dry, no lube. You can get a very deep dry jelq with this thing and no mess. Give it a try, it’s well worth the buck.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Interesting MOD Big Girtha. I’ll have to try that tonight!

Have you guys thought of using those little paint rollers for this? You can find them
at Wal-mart or Lowe’s etc…

just my 2 cents


Keep working, keep learning


Make it wider and better

I thought about trying paint rollers but forgot to pick some up while I was at the store. Let me know how it works. Also on the idea I mention above, cutting the rolls 2” longer might be a little too long. Maybe an inch and a half, just experiment with it. This makes the device wider and for me easier to use, but it puts more tension on the rivet, may cause it to break eventually. If it does just get another jar lifter, but for God’s sake don’t spend $60 or $70.00 for these things when they only cost about $10.00 to make. In fact I’m wondering if you know who may have infringed on the jar lifter patent to make the Super Jelqer.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Looks great, but how does it work?

I found that Ace Hardware carries the jar lifters for 7.49, I found it on their website. I’ll go tomorrow to my local store and see if they have them in stock. They also have a store locator on their site if you’re not sure if you have one near you.

Good to know. This new modification to the PJ I posted above really makes it more user friendly, and gives a very deep dry jelq, but I have a feeling the rivets aren’t not going to hold this much tension very long. Probably be good to pick up a couple of jar lifters for spares.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

When you use this thing do you roll to the top of the p-unit then back down and repeat, or roll to the top start from the bottom and back to top?

New and Improved PJ

Slow, firm, deep dry jelqs pushed deep into the fat pad then pulled all the way back out to the tip. I’ll do about ten then clamp off for ten. I’m getting some great engorgement. But we’re getting off topic here. I’ll probably do a thread on this later.

However, on topic this modification really improves the effectiveness of either the old one or the Homemade version. Ten bucks verses seventy, for a better device. I’m going to make a box full of them and try to wear them all out by next summer ;)

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have already ordered the canning thongs and I am going to look at my local ACE as well.
I am going to make one with the foam and the paint rollers and see what the difference is.

As soon as my hands heal up, I need to start PEing again like a madman.


Keep working, keep learning


I got my canning tongs today from Ace/True Value, it was 7.99.They also had the pipe insulation,it is split and pre glued. I paid 2.39 for a 6 foot section,they didn’t have any shorter. I will be trying it out today and report back with any useful info after a month. Thanks for all the good info.

That looks easy enough for even me to make. Nice job mm!

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?

"Boom goes the dynamite."

Anyone know where to get jar lifters in quebec?

Wow Koooky I never even thought about Ace! I’ll have to take a look up there, thanks! :)

8 nbp| x |5.8"

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I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:


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