Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Power JELQ

Don’t wanna take credit for someone else…it was
Dickenstein who mentioned that. I am just following up here at my local ACE
and I have been told they have them. I am going to find out tomorrow.


Keep working, keep learning


Homemade PJ

Simple inquiry about how to use the homemade power-jelq. What is considered a rep or stroke when using the PJ?

I like the idea of this thing because if I understand you can use only one hand to stoke leaving the other hand free, which I would use to keep my foreskin retracted.

BTW Are we supposed to warm-up/down for dry jelqs?

Ace is the place!!

I looked everywhere, Ace Hardaware has everything you need. The first Ace I went to was sold out, but the second one not three miles downthe road had the jar lifter, and everything.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I did not mean to go off topic for this thread. I made a separate thread with the inquiry but it got deleted and my inquiry was forwaded to this thread.

Worthy of a New thread, or not

Yes, well, that is understandable. I can certainly see where the vets and mods would tire quickly of threads regarding this device because it has been done to death. Also, because it was a scam from it’s conception, I can see why some would be sceptical to it’s comeback. However even though the marketability of the device was and perhaps still is questionable, the idea behind it has always been very sound, and the new and improved PJ seems to have possibilities. I was going to do a new thread on using this new home made device, but perhaps all matters concerning the application of this home made version should be kept here. What do you guys think. A new thread on the use of the bigger and better PJ or do we keep it all here. Or perhaps the mods might link us to the appropriate thread where usage should be discussed for any newbies who missed the first dozen threads or so..

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Well I had my first session tonight with the power jelqer. It seems to be sufficant, I didn’t get a great pump with it, but then again all I did was PJ I didnt do any bends or pumping.

Im hoping this device will promote growth in width, it seems like that might be the case. I seem to have a great deal more girth depth than width, and was hoping this would give me width gains.

IF you dont want to rollers rolling while you jelq you can do two things. After wrapping the roller with tape, tape a layer with the sticky side out. Spit on the tape so it will slide into the padding. Once the tape dries it will regain most of it’s stickiness.

Another way is to use two sided golf grip tape. You will be cutting it off with the golf tape.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

It doesn’t hurt if the foam rollers roll a little bit. This just keeps from wearing the same spot on the foam. But the foam rollers should not spin freely or you are not clamping the handles hard enough. I find that once the rollers start to spin with every stroke, you are getting soar and not gripping hard enough. Time to put it down for the night.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I would think pipe insulation is abrasive to the penile skin.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout

I would think pipe insulation is abrasive to the penile skin.

Nope, it’s actually quite soft. In fact that was one of the things I liked about it, I’d say there was less much less skinware with the PJ then using you’re hands.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Yes, well, that is understandable. I can certainly see where the vets and mods would tire quickly of threads regarding this device because it has been done to death. Also, because it was a scam from it’s conception, I can see why some would be sceptical to it’s comeback. However even though the marketability of the device was and perhaps still is questionable, the idea behind it has always been very sound, and the new and improved PJ seems to have possibilities. I was going to do a new thread on using this new home made device, but perhaps all matters concerning the application of this home made version should be kept here. What do you guys think. A new thread on the use of the bigger and better PJ or do we keep it all here. Or perhaps the mods might link us to the appropriate thread where usage should be discussed for any newbies who missed the first dozen threads or so..

Maybe another thread should be started concerning usage and routines and keep the thoughts on
the making of the device and other mod ideas in this thread….


Keep working, keep learning


Well I picked up all the pieces at the local hardware store yesterday. $5.99 for the lifters and $1.49 for the pipe insulation. It took me about 5 minutes to put it together which I did at work. Took it home and used it for a bit last night. This was right up my alley. Not too complicated to make and I like the way it works. I like the fact that I can rotate it to work it at different angles. It will definitely be part of my routine going forward.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, who came up with, "Quit while you're ahead"?

"Boom goes the dynamite."

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I can certainly see where the vets and mods would tire quickly of threads regarding this device because it has been done to death. Also, because it was a scam from it’s conception, I can see why some would be sceptical to it’s comeback. However even though the marketability of the device was and perhaps still is questionable, the idea behind it has always been very sound, and the new and improved PJ seems to have possibilities.

Well, don’t you think a majority of the items sold, as so call lengthening your dick miracles are scams. Take for example the pills or better yet most of these hangers or ADS that are being sold for exaggerated amounts of money. Just go to your local Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace or any hardware store and you can find the exact same thing for a fraction of the price. I’m not trying to bust any ones hustle but, damn. Before you buy into someones great invention, look into it a little deeper then just the words he types on his website and the picture of him pulling his dick with the contraption.

Originally Posted by johnsonwax

Well, don’t you think a majority of the items sold, as so call lengthening your dick miracles are scams. Take for example the pills or better yet most of these hangers or ADS that are being sold for exaggerated amounts of money. Just go to your local Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace or any hardware store and you can find the exact same thing for a fraction of the price. I’m not trying to bust any ones hustle but, damn. Before you buy into someones great invention, look into it a little deeper then just the words he types on his website and the picture of him pulling his dick with the contraption.

Some of us, learn the hard way…after forking out the cash. Like myself.

Originally Posted by johnsonwax
Well, don’t you think a majority of the items sold, as so call lengthening your dick miracles are scams. Take for example the pills or better yet most of these hangers or ADS that are being sold for exaggerated amounts of money.

We pay for convenience.

Most of the pills, if you look on the ingredients page (assuming there is one), list a certain group of usual-suspect ingredients: Maca Root, Yohimbe, Ginseng, etc., etc. You can often purchase those herbs much more cheaply - of course you don’t get the special secret ‘proprietary blend’ but then you are also leaving it to someone else as to what and how much you consume.

I just go the GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe or a health food store and buy the individual components. You can control your own proprietary blend that way, and after some practice tailor your herbs and supplements to suit your own needs.

With devices I’m not as well equipped to manufacture these things. Nor do I have time. So… I pay for convenience.

I do like this PowerJelq though. This is simple enough that even I could probably master it. Maybe this weekend.

I have a question though. Are people recommending gluing the foam to the part that mm covered with blue duct tape?

Or should there be some slippage?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

I have a question though. Are people recommending gluing the foam to the part that mm covered with blue duct tape?

Or should there be some slippage?

They were just talking about gluing a split piece of foam together. I don’t think a little slippage would hurt, I haven’t had any problems since I began using it.


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