Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Homemade Power JELQ

Just sharing a pic of the power jelq I describe in the first paragraph of this post, with the cushioning made out of foam tape. It’s the power jelq I use to get my cock well worked out before and in between clamp sessions, as I noted in the second to last paragraph here.

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I know this thread is quite old but I just ran across it. Im considering putting one of these together and just wondered how the results have been for the guys that have used this for a while now?

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I just made one about two weeks ago. I am enjoying it greatly. To put it in sparkys terms, this device may be what helps me find my small window to exceptional gains. I am the typical hard gainer, so this is very exciting for me.

Unfortunately I just suffered an injury(non power jelq related; skipped warm up before an intense session and paid for it dearly). I will be taking a month break then easing back into the groove of things.

I will post more information once I’m back into my routine.

I have used the homemade powerjelq as well and have a question for some of the power jelqers….

At first I was really motivated at this device, while using it you can see how much it is forcing the engorgement foward and I really like how you go into the fat pad and pull from so deep on your penis.

The problem I ran into was I think I was jelqing to hard with the PJ.

Why, well I was at 5.5 Girth when I started using it, and after using the PJ for 2-3 weeks I noticed I’d lost some girth and my morning wood and nightly erections weren’t coming as often.

So, since this past Friday I’ve went back to jelqing by hand. And my erections are coming back.

I believe I was jelqing to hard with the PJ. I definetly still want to use it, just need to learn to use it without squeezing so hard I suppose.

Anyone else run into this issue???

Iamhere likes to Hang Heavy use Monty's PE Weights, Jelq and Clamp

Before 5.5 NBPEL ; 6 BPEL

Current 6 NBPEL ; 7 1/4 BPEL ; 5.75 EG

Ive been using mine off and on. Not sure if its helped any or not. Im focussing on pumping now which I really really like and thinks helping alot.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I feel like such a goof ball! I bought one of these damn things off of the internet about 4 years ago, I don’t remember what I paid but it was astronomical compared to the $10 or so you spent. Anyway, I never new their was such a thing as a jar holder which BTW is what I have here in my hands that someone marketed so well that I spent my $60 or so on. Hold on! I’m hitting myself in the forehead once more for Karma!

Here goes: I’m looking at this Jar-holder with pads and this is what I see! Hopefully it will help your design, which is very ingenious BTW! I see the Jar holder frame (W/O the rollers connected) which is the exact one you have pictured but with a brown handle. The rollers consist of this.. Two - 1/2” CPVC pipes cut down to be 2-3/4” long ea., in both ends of ea. Piece there is a lead anchor embedded to fit the pipe, (a lead bolt anchor commonly bought at Lowe’s/ Home depot for attaching something to masonry) Then all you have to do is glue the pipe insulation on and BAMM! (As Emeril Says) You got your Power Jelqer!

Hope this helps!

is the original device still for sale?

I went to:

and the website is down.

Originally Posted by Peter Mac
is the original device still for sale?

I went to:

and the website is down.

It’s still there at I also googled and found someone else selling the same device for less at Of course, you can make the device yourself for $10 or so with canning tongs and foam tubing.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal
It’s still there at I also googled and found someone else selling the same device for less at Of course, you can make the device yourself for $10 or so with canning tongs and foam tubing.

thanks. My time is pretty valuable so I would actually rather pay full retail for it. I’ve heard many criticisms of the price, but it’s quite worth it to me to spend $60 on it than to make it myself. If the homemade version is of higher quality, I would even be willing to pay someone to make it for me.

What is the highest quality power jelq device made? My main concerns are quality of the product and quality of service. In economics you would call me an inlelastic buyer.

I went to and saw they have different ordering options.

For $259.95 they have:

Complete Penimaster, Spare parts, 3 yr warranty, Plus complete jelq exercise device, new dura cylinders, plus three bottles of enlargel.

That gel is might expensive! Is it a scam?
I think I remember reading about the Penimaster. Isn’t that the device that helps stretch the penis?

Last edited by Peter Mac : 07-29-2006 at .

Peter Mac,

I bought my powerjelq in the early days for $29.95, which is now being sold online for $60. It’s still working exactly the same. I can understand time being important to you and preferring to purchase your device. If you just want to experiment with the powerjelq then skip all of the items in the $259.00 purchase. They are not necessary and some may be useless.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I’ve had my Powerjelq for about two years and love it. I didn’t know about making my own until after I paid full retail. I rationalize paying full price because it gave me an inch gain in length rapidly! :) Of course, as a newbie at the time, most anything would have given me that added inch.

I later decided to make my own, and had no trouble finding the canning tongs at Orchard Supply Hardware (Northern California, USA) in their housewares section. However, the foam was a problem, as all I found at Home Depot was the split kind and I got stupid at that point and couldn’t figure out how to glue it all together. It remains an unfinished project in my toy drawer.

I looked at the small paint rollers, but they were far too rough on my skin. The original Powerjelq uses “closed-cell” foam instead of “open-cell” foam. The open cell foam (paint rollers) has many rough edges and can be quite abrasive/scratchy.

I use a slight bit of lube (real Powerjelq) and it works quite well. Especially good for taking the strain off the hands.


Actually, I’ll admit that the power jelq I’m using most often these days is just canning tongs with naked plastic rollers. No foam; no cush at all. I think it works great. I can get the rollers way further towards my abdomen with each stroke, so I jelq more of the shaft. It’s also easier to turn sideways and jelq that way.

And, secretly, sometimes I power jelq with lube. I have a two handed technique where I hold my penis straight in between the bars of the canning tongs and jelq with the other hand. Not to be done PEUI (PEing under the influence.)

I should say emphatically: not for newbies. My cock is very well conditioned after years of PE.

That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing. Does anyone know where to get jar lifters in the UK? I’ve tried web searches, but they only come back with US sites.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

Nice pics and description. I might try to make one.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

I just bought a Home Canning Jar Lifter apparently by Ball from Walmart. I can’t seem to be able to detach the rollers from the device. Has anyone tried making a PJ device from jar lifters from Walmart?


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