Thunder's Place

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How Can I Reduce My Refractory Period

How Can I Reduce My Refractory Period

Hello thunders!! I’m a 24 years old guy from Brasil, who is coming out of a depression and a ED from porn abuse.

I had a terrible life style in the past 2 years, and since my ex dumped me 3 months ago, I’ve been changing my life. A dropped 30 pounds, came back to dieting and exercising, weight lifting and boxing.

Even tho my health is improving, it seems like my sexual health is not. I had sex 3 times in the last 3 weeks, and my erection was great in all of them. I was very nervous, since my porn problem, but it was fine, and I was able to relaxe and enjoy.

The thing is, in all of them, I could only do it 1 time. Before all this happened (bad relationship - to me, she got everything I could get) and even in the begging, a could do it several times. There was times where I did it 7 times in a day.

But now one is more then I can take. I am a very heavy smoker, and a can’t seem to quit it, because a have anxiety also. So I was wondering if the experienced PE members could help me, with ways to stop smoking, and ways to reduce this refractory period. I attribute it mostly to the smoking, cause I can feel how it destroys my body when I get to the end of the day, so I think it would really help me to stop it, in all ways possible.

Thank you all for reading this, and even more to the ones that take the time to give me an insight!

Smoking does seem like the culprit, it has a lot of known negative effects on circulation.

I recently quit (cannabis not tobacco) because as I get older the effects accumulate and it just doesn’t feel good. The feeling of breathing easily is something you can’t fully value until you don’t have it. And unless you are some lucky 1% of the population - smoking will eventually do that to you permanently if you smoke long enough. Imagine a mild choking or asphyxiation feeling, and the terror that goes along with it, and having it for the rest of your life. It’s scary.

Just realize that the reward center of your brain is hijacked by a drug. And you can just stop, and not get cancer, your lungs will work properly as you age, you will live 20 years longer, you’ll be happier and healthier, you’ll have more energy and be able to move around more, you’ll have an extra few hundred dollars per month, and your cock will work properly.

The choice seems obvious in retrospect. I knew I should have quit for 5 years before I did it. It took a health scare to tip the balance for me.

That said, quitting smoking cannabis is way easier than quitting smoking tobacco, and I can still orally ingest if I want to get high.

I can’t offer you any trick to do it. Just do it. It will suck for a month or two, and then it will get way better. Hang out with non smokers for that first month.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Smoking does seem like the culprit, it has a lot of known negative effects on circulation.

I recently quit (cannabis not tobacco) because as I get older the effects accumulate and it just doesn’t feel good. The feeling of breathing easily is something you can’t fully value until you don’t have it. And unless you are some lucky 1% of the population - smoking will eventually do that to you permanently if you smoke long enough. Imagine a mild choking or asphyxiation feeling, and the terror that goes along with it, and having it for the rest of your life. It’s scary.

Just realize that the reward center of your brain is hijacked by a drug. And you can just stop, and not get cancer, your lungs will work properly as you age, you will live 20 years longer, you’ll be happier and healthier, you’ll have more energy and be able to move around more, you’ll have an extra few hundred dollars per month, and your cock will work properly.

The choice seems obvious in retrospect. I knew I should have quit for 5 years before I did it. It took a health scare to tip the balance for me.

That said, quitting smoking cannabis is way easier than quitting smoking tobacco, and I can still orally ingest if I want to get high.

I can’t offer you any trick to do it. Just do it. It will suck for a month or two, and then it will get way better. Hang out with non smokers for that first month.

Thank you very much for your response. It’s obvious, but we all know it’s not easy. But I’ll do it. I guess the fear of having real health problems and permanent ED will give me a boost.
Again, thank you!

Nicotine high jacks your health and freewill. I am a recovering nicotine addict. I have stopped several times in my life. My last stint I had converted to vaping and this by no means is easier to quit. Even though with vaping you have more control over nicotine concentration, that is easily over matched by availability of draw.

Breaking nicotine is a time battle. You must recognize and prepare for what is ahead. It will not be easier in two weeks, it will begin to get better in three to four. The battle will be fought minute by minute. Performing regular cardio and munching on good foods can help. For two to three weeks you will be fighting a physical and mental battle moment to moment. It’s worth the fight because once you break through it’s liberating.

Plan on not drinking alcohol and focus on just your health. It’s a mental battle that you can win.

Your body will stop waking you up in the middle of the night because it needs nicotine, you will take less breaks in whatever it is you are doing. You will not disappear at social events and come back smelling like a casino, unless you vape, which again is another reason it is actually worse.

Most people that finally beat nicotine do it cold turkey.

You will be a miserable bastard and you will have dreams that you just smoked, which will feel as real as can be.

You can absolutely quit and it is an amazing world on the other side!

When the moment comes tell yourself that nicotine craving comes from a physical and mental addiction that will pass in time and that you will not smoke because you will be free. This is your mantra, on the other side is your freedom, it’s only four weeks away!

Any chance you are taking antidepressants?

Originally Posted by Davidjones

Hello thunders!! I’m a 24 years old guy from Brasil, who is coming out of a depression and a ED from porn abuse.

I had a terrible life style in the past 2 years, and since my ex dumped me 3 months ago, I’ve been changing my life. A dropped 30 pounds, came back to dieting and exercising, weight lifting and boxing.

Even tho my health is improving, it seems like my sexual health is not. I had sex 3 times in the last 3 weeks, and my erection was great in all of them. I was very nervous, since my porn problem, but it was fine, and I was able to relaxe and enjoy.

The thing is, in all of them, I could only do it 1 time. Before all this happened (bad relationship - to me, she got everything I could get) and even in the begging, a could do it several times. There was times where I did it 7 times in a day.

But now one is more then I can take. I am a very heavy smoker, and a can’t seem to quit it, because a have anxiety also. So I was wondering if the experienced PE members could help me, with ways to stop smoking, and ways to reduce this refractory period. I attribute it mostly to the smoking, cause I can feel how it destroys my body when I get to the end of the day, so I think it would really help me to stop it, in all ways possible.

Thank you all for reading this, and even more to the ones that take the time to give me an insight!

Cara para começar você pode entrar num viciados anônimos, o primeiro passo é reconhecer o seu vício, não há vergonha nisso. Lembre-se: antes tarde do que nunca.

Seu problema com ansiedade, período refratário e má qualidade em ereção ou dificuldade de manter uma tem a ver com justamente o hábito de fumar, pois um homem adulto saudável de 24 anos não deveria ter problemas com nada disso. Eu poderia ficar aqui um tempão digitando tudo de mal o que o cigarro faz com o corpo humano, mas creio eu que se você quer informação você corra atrás o google está aí.

Parar de fumar cigarro de acordo com Dráuzio Varella é o pior tipo de droga para se parar de usar, pois a nicotina é muito viciante e cria efeitos de abstinência como de quem fuma crack, é realmente assustador. Eu creio que você não vai parar de fumar cigarro, quase ninguém realmente para, as pessoas só começam a tentar parar quando já adquirem alguma doença ou condição advinda do vício do fumo. Novamente eu te digo, vai num viciados anônimos, lá a comunidade realmente ajuda a você ficar longe.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

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