Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How do I achieve maximum gains

How do I achieve maximum gains

Hey guys I am a 28 yr old male with what I figure to be average size. I measure roughly 6.5x5. I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to gain size, but have a few questions. I am not new to PE but have not been consistent. I have a few questions though and would like to see if any of you could help. I would like to be about 8.5 to 9 inches but would like thickness above all, would settle for less length if I could have thickness between 6.5 to 7 inches. Possibly 8.5x6.5 is what I’d like, I am really only interested in jelqing and pumping so.My questions are as follows:

1. How can I maximize my gains?
2. Should I invest in a pump? If so what kind?
3. Can I gain this much in a year’s time? If not, how long should I expect?
4. What would be my maximum growth potential?

Any help would be appreciated and I would like to talk with you guys about it. Thanks a lot

1. To maximize gains, do the following:

A. Stay the course. NO QUITTING!
B. Good routine fit for you
C. Good Nutrition
D. Exercise the rest of your body

2. No, I’d make a homemade pump for under $40.

3. Maybe, maybe not. Everyone is different. It is possible, but unlikely. Expect 2-3 years on average for those kind of gains.

4. No one knows anyone’s maximum growth potential, even themselves.

1. If you’re only 6.5 right now erect and you plan on getting to somewhere like 8.5 or 9 inchs then just jelqing and pumping is not going to get you that length quickly. Maybe if you jelq very good for about 5 years heh.
Jelqing is great for girth. As far a length goes I suggest starting at least with manual stretching for a month or two so you can stretch your ligaments way out to get lots of flaccid and erect length, I have gained both flaccid and erect length in the 2 months I’ve been doing this pretty much intense workouts almost everyday, so I know what I’m talking about. Later you might want to do some hanging after a lot of practice in PE and research because many people including BiB who started at 6 inchs erect with hanging went on to go to about 11 inchs. There is tons and tons of information on this site for you to research so search for some of that..

2. Ehh, a pump, I’ve never really considered that but I guess some people get some results from it if you read a lot and do it right and some others hate the devices and think of them as too dangerous, so use your commen sence.

3. It is possible to gain that much in a year but pretty rare. You would have to be extrememly commited and intelligent with how you target certain areas for length and do certain excersizes for girth at the right time. It is considered best and logical that you first mainly work on manual stretching and hanging or ads so you can get length quickly and easily before you put on the girth with jelqing, ulis, and sqeezes, etc because it makes sence that a less girthy dick will need less time to stretch out the tunica and ligs of the penis to make it grow length quicker then if it had all those extra veins and nerves and blood vessels, skin, etc..

4. There have been people like BiB who have got up to 4 inchs extra length and lots of growth in girth about a inch or two, so no one really knows this isn’t exactly a science it’s more like a mix of pseudo-science we invented and figured out and a art because you learn what works for you over time with lots of practice. Everyone is different.

Thanks guys you were very helpful. However, I still have a few questions. Some of your advice was encouraging. The parts about staying in good health, good nutrition, and staying the course seemed helpful. But the parts about jelqing for 2 - 5 years just doest seem worth it. I was willing to but a good year, maybe year and a half into this but I am not sure I am willing to do more than that. So here are my questions..

1. Magnum, how come you are telling me that it would take 2-3 years for 2inches in length and an inch and a half in girth when you gained almost 2inches in length from Aug - Feb, and an inch in girth? My goal is 8.5 by 6.5 which would be 2 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth. Just wondering? If I had your success I’d be 8 1/4 x 6 in six months which would be very satisfactory to me.

2. How do I find or know what is a good routine for me?

3. How do I make a homemade pump?

Now for you love machine..

4. Know of a good stretching routine?
5. Who is Bib and are you pulling by leg about his gains?
6. What are “ads”?
7. How do I stretch the tunica?

I really hate to ask so many questions but I really want to be bigger. Not massive. Just bigger.

Btw.How can I ad a photo or avatar to my profile?

Genetics will play a role in your ultimate gains over time. I have never known anyone to reap anything substantial from a pump, so the money invested for this contraption is not warranted. Read up on the routines and areas of interest and you will after a months time begin to chart your own path. A general rule of thumb would prescribe a year for your first inch, this is not a sprint.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Shilow
Genetics will play a role in your ultimate gains over time. I have never known anyone to reap anything substantial from a pump, so the money invested for this contraption is not warranted. Read up on the routines and areas of interest and you will after a months time begin to chart your own path. A general rule of thumb would prescribe a year for your first inch, this is not a sprint.

Nothing substantial from pumping?
There’s a forum full of guys who will disagree!

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

First Question:

I’d say the best way you can achieve gains is by becomming consistent at what you are doing, not the way you were dealing with PE in the past - no matter what techniques your incorporating.
I personally think, better to be consistent with a standard routine than being inconsistent with “THE” perfect routine.

Second Question:

I’d start with a manual routine until you figure out the characteristics of your own body and penis. If manual doesn’t work, your penis will call for a pump ;-)

Third/Fourth Question:

I’m sorry but I can’t tell you. I’d love to look into a cristal ball but I am not experienced enough to make a qualified statement on these.

Originally Posted by gthompkinsjr
1. Magnum, how come you are telling me that it would take 2-3 years for 2inches in length and an inch and a half in girth when you gained almost 2inches in length from Aug - Feb, and an inch in girth? My goal is 8.5 by 6.5 which would be 2 inches in length and 1.5 inches in girth. Just wondering? If I had your success I’d be 8 1/4 x 6 in six months which would be very satisfactory to me.

I was very lucky to achieve those gains, but it wasn’t all luck either. I worked my ass off for those. You also misread what I typed. I said that anything is possible, no matter how unlikely. Only a small % of people have my kind of gains. That is why I said “on average it would take 2-3 years”. For all I know, you can gain 2” in length and girth in 2 months or in 3 years. If you read my #1 answer in my first post, that applies to everyone whether you gain quickly or are a hard gainer.

Originally Posted by gthompkinsjr
2. How do I find or know what is a good routine for me?

Trial and error. Start with the newbie routine, add more and more every couple of weeks when your tolerance is built up. Then move onto advanced routines 2-3 months down the road if you’re up to it.

Originally Posted by gthompkinsjr
3. How do I make a homemade pump?

Mityvac from Autozone, $30. Aquarium scoop cleaner from any pet store for ~$10.

Originally Posted by gthompkinsjr
I really hate to ask so many questions but I really want to be bigger. Not massive. Just bigger.

This isn’t a problem, just follow what I said in my first post, and you’ll be fine. Feel free to ask questions, that is what we are here for, but word to the wise use the search function to see if it has been asked before.

Originally Posted by Shilow
I have never known anyone to reap anything substantial from a pump, so the money invested for this contraption is not warranted.

That’s because you haven’t been here long enough to even meet these people. In the future, it would be appreciated if you could stay away from giving other newbies advice on matters to which you haven’t experienced first hand. :)

Aquarium Scoop Cleaner? I take it the Mityvac is the pump or generator. Is the scooper a tube? If so, will I need to get a bigger one at some point? Especially if I want a 6.5-7 inch girth. Also, does it have a gauge?

Mityvac has a gauge, and yes it is a pump. The scooper is a tube, and you should get a 1.5-1.75” diameter tube with your girth. When you hit 5.5, move up to 2”.

Originally Posted by gthompkinsjr
How do I achieve maximum gains….. I am really only interested in jelqing and pumping…

First pick a priority: Are you interested in maximum gains or are you only interested in jelqing and pumping?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Thanks Magnum you have been real helpful. I went to the pet store and checked it out. Gonna get one soon. Still looking over the site and gonna start PE in another month, when I have more free time. All of you guys and, this site have been great. Once I start I will keep you all posted on gains. Thanks again. Everyone.

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