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How hard to press on bone when measuring?

How hard to press on bone when measuring?

How hard should you press on the pubic bone when measuring erect length? Depending on how hard I press, there is almost a .25 inch difference.

Started 5.75 x 4.75 Goal: 7 x 6! <-- Started with a piglet, want a HOG

As hard as you can. When you hit the bone, you can’t press any harder and you know you are obtaining consistent measurements.

My life will be complete with an 8X6.

Thanks, that really helps. I believe that my beginning stats may be inaccurate because I know I didn’t press that hard. I also think that I’m 6.5 in length if this is the correct way to measure

Started 5.75 x 4.75 Goal: 7 x 6! <-- Started with a piglet, want a HOG

As hard as you can, like pez already said. Press so hard that it makes you wanna scream :D It is very common that people don’t do it that way in the beginning, and the probable gains can’t be noticed because of that.

A Man behind his mask.

If you’re using a rigid ruler with sharp corners, you might try putting a strip of tape, like duct tape, around the end you’re pressing into your body. It barely effects the length of the ruler and you’ll be able to press it in harder without skewering yourself.

Ditto the remarks above.

Also, do not use a plastic ruler. Find a metal or wooden ruler.

I stand with my back to the wall, and push in hard. Also make sure the ruler is parallel to the floor. The idea is consistency.


I have made my own gadget for measuring my package comfortably. I use two Artline 500 white board markers along with a ruler. I tied the two markers with tape so that one is diplaced by the other longitudinally by 1” (approx my fatty tissue in the pubic area) and then I strapped the ruler on top of these markers. I then press one end of the marker into my base comfortably and take the reading. Have been using it since 8/2001.

Well instantly i have gone from 7.5 to the 8 inch mark. woohoo! :)

Time for 9.

Does anyone know why bone pressed is a more official/widely accepted measuring technique than non-bone pressed? Seems to me that non-bone pressed is what’s available to you during sex and would be of more consequence.

Not that I have a problem with bone pressed measurements in any way. I measured yesterday, pressing as hard as I could, and I’m now a proud member of the 8-inch club.

I read on another post somewhere that if you are really close to the shaft that you can miss the bone and actually measure longer. I tried it and actually measured .25 longer. It would make sense to me that to be consistent you should make sure you press as hard as you can but make sure you are still on the bone.

I can vary my non bone pressed by simply varying my breathing. you can also have variations based on how soft or hard you “place” the ruler against skin. I am a fat guy. I think that about half the shaft hidden in fat is usable. So a guy with 7.5 bp but 6.0 nbp can sink it to a depth of 6.75”.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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