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bp measuring technicality question. Where to press?

bp measuring technicality question. Where to press?

ok, so before I see any gains, I want to make extra sure my measurement method is correct..

when measuring bone-pressed, do you put the ruler flush against the base of your penis and press there? The reason I ask is that my pubic bone is “deeper” there than even 1/2 an inch away (toward my belly button). It seems like the obvious thing to do is measure right up against the base of the penis, but it also seems like I’m “cheating” a little bit. My NBPEL is 5.4” if I make sure to kegel as much blood in there as possible. I guess the thing is that if someone did “call you on it” for whatever reason and you had to walk the walk and show your unit, you’ll have a hard time explaining that the length you boast of is only realized when you press a ruler into your pad 1/2”.. :)

Uhh, why don’t you just record them both. Please don’t stress over being technical, recording them both would eliminate the worry. Pressing hard against the base is what I do, it’s just an individuals choice.


It’s up to you. Here is a recent thread on the subject. One solution is to turn the ruler 90 degrees so the edge is sure to hit the highest spot of the pubic bone.


You should do it the same way all the time.

I don’t care how you do it but I recommend going for maximum “cheat”.

Having maximized the number by “cheating” you will be certain that subsequrent gains were not due to “ruler creep” since the creeping was already done.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

good points everyone. I like the idea of going for max cheat now in order to prevent future cheat… but I’ll also try the 90 degree turn as well. that makes sense too

Yes, luvdadus stated it very clearly that going for the maximum and doing it the same way every time should accurately show gains. I still think that the point of exit of the shaft may lower as gains progress, but that should happen at a much slower rate than your length gains may measure up to.

I’m still spaning the crest of my pubic bone with the ruler due to the fact that I want most of my size to be usable. I want to know that I’m able to use most of what is past the outer most part of my pubic bone.

As for comparing here across the board with others, I may be staying behind in the race by .25” till I reach the end of the race for me. Then I’ll just love my tool………and be happy.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

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