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How long after vasectomy surgery can I return to my routine?

How long after vasectomy surgery can I return to my routine?

Good evening guys, how are you?? I recently got a free vasectomy (I had it done today, after months of exams) free of charge from the government, and I had it done today, thank God without any post-surgical complications (just the occasional one, with medication).

Before, I was on an intermediate PE routine, and I intended to continue with it, as it gave me GREAT results, the routine was as follows:

*Morning period:

*At night:
- 7.5 minutes warm-up.
- 7.5 minutes of stretching.
- 15 minutes of jelquing.
- 7.5 minutes warm-down

- Who has already had the surgery, or who knows, how soon can I return to my routine?? Obviously I will return gradually, thank you very much in advance.

- Another question, is there a chance that by doing this PE routine, there is a chance of missing this surgery, and recanalization of the vas deferens (cut during surgery) ?

How long did the doctor tell you wait before having sex/masturbation?

In my opinion the primary concern is opening the incision in the scrotum. The vas deferens is usually cauterized, so I think a PE routine has very low risk of a re connection.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
How long did the doctor tell you wait before having sex/masturbation?

In my opinion the primary concern is opening the incision in the scrotum. The vas deferens is usually cauterized, so I think a PE routine has very low risk of a re connection.

Hello, the doctor gave a period of 5 days to return to sexual activities in general, I did it the way with an incision in the center, but I believe I would return to PE routines after about 2 weeks. My question is, does PE really influence the reconnection of vas deferens, or does it have nothing to do with it?? Because we don’t have many studies on this, I was very doubtful huasuhsahuas

Originally Posted by AndyJ
As 32q suggested, whatever the doc said about sexual activity should apply to PE.

It’s not a problem if you have to pause your PE program for a bit.

I would return to PE routines after about 2 weeks. My question is, does PE really influence the reconnection of vas deferens, or does it have nothing to do with it?? Because we don’t have many studies on this, I was very doubtful huasuhsahuas

Can Jelquing or Pumping restore the vas deferens? Vasectomy doubts

Good evening everyone on the forum, everything okay??

I opened some questions about vasectomy a few days ago on the forum, and I resolved some doubts, but other doubts remained, and I’m going to open it in a new topic to make it more recent so that members can answer me, whoever can, please, obviously.

I had the surgery last Wednesday, and I’m going to wait an average of 1 month to go back to PE and Pumping, my question just now is:

Performing Jelquing, or Penis Pumping, can stimulate the "undoing" of the surgery or encourage the Vas deferens to grow back??

Even though jelquing doesn’t "Directly" affect the testicles, anything that involves that area leaves me with doubts, in the case of pumping, even more so, as I’m afraid that the pressure from the tube will cause some type of "Injury" and stimulate grow again(as it could be that some part of the vas deferens could be sucked into the tube perhaps?), or some kind of ligament happens again or whatever uhsahuashuasas, the method of my surgery, was with just one cut, below the penis, in the sac, it’s more hidden ehuhuehuehau

If anyone in the healthcare field or a member who has had this experience can respond, I would be grateful in advance, thank you very much.

It’s been years ago now, but I waited about a month before I started back up with my pumping routine. No real issues. I do need to be careful though when pumping in a bigger tube as there is some pain/discomfort around the sides of the base that I don’t remember experiencing before the snip.

Started: 5.5" x 4" | Currently: 6.5" x 4.5" | Goal: 7" x 5"

I had to wait about 6 weeks, since I’m extender based. That incision on the balls was right where the base of the extender sits.

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