Thunder's Place

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How Long To Wait Before Beginning Girth Exercises

How Long To Wait Before Beginning Girth Exercises

I was giving some thought to waiting about 1 year before beginning exercises for girth. Is that too long or should I go for it, after about 6 months on the newbie routine.

I just did not want to go for it too soon, and tighten up any tissue I have been working so hard to loosen up and enlarge. Started on 9/25/06 pursing length.

Would it be reasonable to assume that any length gains that would be coming would plateau after about 6 months. I have taken into account all the threads about the thin or thick rubberband which one stretch easier. Just don’t know when would be the right time to go for girth?

Also when I do start to pursue GIRTH should I just concentrate on GIRTH or should I work both length and GIRTH equally. (Thinking of 30 minutes pumping, with a 10 minute Jelq and squeeze to finish off routine 2 day on 1 day off for girth)

Any and all opinions welcomed


"What You Are And What You Want To Be Is What You Do"


Last edited by dute : 10-09-2006 at .

My opinion is that you don’t need to worry about this yet ;) Congrats on starting a good PE routine! That’s the most important step. No one can predict whether your length gains will plateau after six months — or whether you’ll gain any length at all. Just focus on jelqing and stretching for now, and see whether any gains come in three months. At that point you can evaluate how your routine is going and how it should be modified (if at all) to make better progress. I know that this answer may seem evasive, but it really is the best thing to do: stick with your current routine and don’t worry about things too much in advance.

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