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girth exercises are the bane of pe exercises for me

girth exercises are the bane of pe exercises for me

I don’t want to ejaculate when I do my girth exercises except that almost all the girth exercises require you to get hard ( look at porn ) and you can’t help it when you playing with your dick ( Jelqing !! )

IS there a way to do girth exercises and NOT ejaculate every pe sessioN ?

Like pumping or something.. please let me know

not my thing at all

Just keep practicing. Eventually your weenie will learn the difference between work and fun.

One thing you can try is to think about work or something while jelqing. As soon as I start thinking about sex in any way, I start to get a stiffy.

Anyway, just keep up the work and you will train both you and your weenie for maximum benefit……….


I must be missing something. Where does it say you must be hard to do girth exercises and what girth exercises are you doing?

Hmmm…I’m not sure either gprent but maybe clamping? I clamp tight down at the pubic bone after kegeling full then “scoop” below the clamp to stuff in more blood, tighten the clamp then cock it kinda sideways to really hold the blood in. All in all about 120% stiffie and fortunately I get laid right after or I’d proly have the same issue.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

what would be the point of jelq/squeezes/bends or whatever if you don’t force the blood against the walls of your penis. If you were not hard, you’d basically be just be moving around small force of blood, at thats my idea. Maybe pumping would be ideal.

I am close to fully erect when I do girth exercises. But I have noticed that there is more bruising the closer I am to %100. I clamp and do Ulis in between jelqing.

You dont need a rock hard 100% erection when doing girth exercise (maybe only Uli which I do the closer too 100% erection).

“I am close to fully erect when I do girth exercises.”

One of the biggest girth gainers on this board says this, chunky still think you don’t need to ?

Some guys have made good gains, even in Length, using high erection jelqs.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by BenHur
“I am close to fully erect when I do girth exercises.”

One of the biggest girth gainers on this board says this, chunky still think you don’t need to ?

-Because somebody tells you you need to grunt like godzilla in the gym to be hardcore you will do it ?
-Because somebody with 20 inches arms tells you you need to to 50 sets for biceps to make to grow, you will do 50 sets ?

Same here, doesnt mean one gains a lot by being close to 100% erection that you need to. I remember a recent advice that I dont know who gave me, but he said that being close too 100%, you dont move so much blood into your unit, there is just a lot of pressure, and if your dick isnt conditionned for that intensity, injuries can occur.

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