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How much pumping and clamping is safe

How much pumping and clamping is safe

Hi Everyone

Can anyone suggest how long I should clamp and pump in each session? I am at my 7th month of PE and I feel that unlikely other exercises, I could carry on clamping and pumping for hours.

For personal experience I know that one first injure himself then, the day after, wake up with the symptoms of it.

Today I did 30 mins; could I go on longer while staying safe and if so, how long?

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated,

Giorgio, London

I’m only in my first month of pe, so I havent started clamping yet but from everything I have read, you should not clamp any more than 30mins at one time, you should have rests in between to let fresh oxygenated blood flow into the penis, and then carry on if you so wish.

I don’t know anything about pumping.

I advice you to keep the clamp on for the maximum of 15 minutes. Better make a routine of 4x15 than 2x30 or 1x60 minutes. You have one cock, remember that.

My routine has become pretty much; 15 minutes pumping followed by 10 minutes clamping for 4 sets of each.

I’m pretty swollen by then.

Then i take a nice hot bath and power jelq it all out 200 times.

Granted I have only been doing this about a month or so.(this routine)

So nothing is cemented gains yet, but I am 6 x 5 normally and I usually end up anywhere from 6.5 x 5.5 to 6.5 x 5.75.

And that pretty much lasts all day, but i do have to do it everyday or i’m back to normal.

that seems like quite a bit. take a break for at least a minute in between to circulate new, oxygen rich, blood.

Don’t pop your penis.

I do take a minute. I just didnt say it.

I do massage my dick for a couple minutes, and actually dry jelq a few strokes.Just to engulf it with fresh blood.

And then I start all over.

I should have been clearer on my routine.

Now what I also should have said is this is a pretty intense routine.

I dont use a large amount of hg’s in the pumping, I’m pretty patient on that.

Especially when the results are practically instant.

The clamping I do full out, but as I said before I dont go over ten minutes.

Actually my dick doesnt let me go over ten minutes.

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