Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to gain girth fast


Adding girth can take many many years. I have almost been 1.5 years and I have put on .5 inches of girth. It is a big change though.

Sorry Gprent, as I m a Big nOOb with a small very good tips to give but only this

Maybe smoking a PSP pill can boost their results?but maybe lead also to painful and slow death :D
Didn t try it of course..

Stranger attacked every night by the damned mosquitos :(

Originally Posted by stranger
But, now thanks to you all. I undesrstood the newbies gains will be the fastest and workout with thunders newbie routine.I ll tell you my gains in about one month.
I measured few hours before, here are my real start stats

EL: 6.25

EG: 4.9

Very small.I know.under the is for that I m here :D

PS:sorry about my poor english.that s not my natal language but with this forum, I ll enlarge maibe my son and sure enlarge a lot my English they cannot speak english those Japaneses.. !Only good things !
Drilla9 “with my GF and HER family” sorry ;)

Is the 6.25” BP or NBP?

Either way, 6.25 x 4.9 ISNT small, its about average, IMO

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
Where can I find a thread titled, “What’s the slowest way I can gain girth?”?

There would sure be more replies, wouldn’t they? :)


I can sympathize with you about the privacy issue that you will be facing in a few months. It’s a bitch. You’ll just have to find a way to work around it. Getting up extra early, going to bed extra late, or something! Just remember, necessity is the mother of creative adaptation!

As for the girth gains, the two best methods are clamping and pumping. Exactly what kind of PE have you been doing so far, and for how long? Whatever else you do, you should be jelqing. You can then add clamping or pumping or both. There are good beginners threads on both methods here. Read them and follow the advice. However, clamping is a more advanced exercise, so you should have a few weeks of jelqing under your belt to condition your unit before you attempt this.

As for speedy girth gains, there simply is no method. However, what you want are quick results. I discovered that even a small increase in girth made a noticeable difference and made me feel good about what I was doing. You should see some noticeable increase from the jelqing; you can perhaps include some manual squeezes. Then, if and when you give clamping or pumping a try, you will certainly see more noticeable difference. Just keep up a consistent routine, or this initial increase will be lost. It takes some time before any length or girth increase becomes “permanent.”


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