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How to gain girth fast


How to gain girth fast

Hi there.I know PE is not a sprint, but a marathon. But anyelse, are there any routine or exercice for an ultimate girth growth strike?because lack of time.I know.”it is a loooong process” but I m ready to anything to got in girth as fast as possible..

Will be very grateful if someone can helps..


We’ll see you in the “Is there anyway to clean up an exploded dick?” Thread.

You know it’s a long process but want immediate results? :head:

The best way to gain girth is starting with the Newbie Routine.


No! Not exploding it.just would like some additional tips even doing the newb routine :)

Be patient and do the newbie routine. Once you’ve done that for 2-3 months then we might let you in on our secrets.

Hi Stranger,

You already got the point that PE takes time. There’re differences between the motivation and the lack of time. You don’t have motivation or there’s a lack of time for you, which one is exactly your problem? :)

Have you read some threads from newbies who mentioned that they gained almost an inche in one month? That’s true! And they have been simply working on their newbie routines. So bring back your motivation and always tell yourself that your dick look bigger everyday.

You were asking for TIPs? I’m not sure, but I believe “Good schedule on your PEing sessions, take good care of your penis, never overdoing it and look for some supplementary stuff to help your gains” are right :D

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

There’s a hard way and there’s a never get hard again way.

To emphasize girth more in the newbie routine, really work on jelqing. The routine says to initially spend 10 minutes a day doing jelqs that take three seconds each to perform. For each of those jelqs, grasp as far down the shaft (towards the abdomen) as possible, make a fairly tight grip, and jelq upward feeling your cock expand as you go.

If you stick to the routine, and slowy add more jelqing, you will condition your dick for more advanced exercises, and you may very well see some near-term increase in girth.

The conditioning phase you’re going through is essential, especially for girth work.

It shouldn’t need saying but I’m going to say it just in case. The newbie routine is not an inferior routine. It’s not simplified to appeal to dummies or people who haven’t earned the kudos. It’s not a right of passage in the sense of getting into a club either.

The newbie routine is there because it’s the best routine for a newbie. To use a body building analogy again (groan…), some of the greatest and fastest gains you will ever make are done on your first cycle. The ‘newbie’ status means ‘great potential’, ‘bright future’, ‘every goddam piece of positive bias is on your side, with the house edge thrown in to boot’. You will never be a newbie again, and you will never have quite the same opportunity to make the best and easiest gains in you life as you do when you first arrive here and people point you to the newbie routine.

Overdoing it with more advanced routines, quite apart from the damage potential, will almost certainly limit your future potential. Newbie routine is about coaxing out the best gains without triggering all those counter measures that the body has stored up in its arsenal of weapons. Make as much ground stealthily as you can. If you just run in there with canons blazing then little good will come of it.

Please just do the newbie routine as it is stated, and feel free to ask any questions as you go. Don’t add anything at all that isn’t in the routine. When you reach the end of the routine then there will be another routine that you can adopt which will take you further. The next routine will never be as good as the newbie routine was to you though, so make the best of it.

Originally Posted by daboogies
Hi Stranger,

You already got the point that PE takes time. There’re differences between the motivation and the lack of time. You don’t have motivation or there’s a lack of time for you, which one is exactly your problem? :)

Have you read some threads from newbies who mentioned that they gained almost an inche in one month? That’s true! And they have been simply working on their newbie routines. So bring back your motivation and always tell yourself that your dick look bigger everyday.

You were asking for TIPs? I’m not sure, but I believe “Good schedule on your PEing sessions, take good care of your penis, never overdoing it and look for some supplementary stuff to help your gains” are right :D

Best regards,


Motivation, I have motivation. I m interest a lot at looking those they had worked hard during 1 year or more..
I know it is that the true secret..
My probleme is a lack of time..
At the moment, I m living alone.working late everyday, but hav enough to long session of PEin as I want..
But in 4 months, I ll start to living with my GF and here in japan, it is very common that you re livin with your GF and his family, even you re is a common tradition here..
That that my only problem.I know in four month, I ll could not continue good work lack of lone moment and privacy.
So I ll reform my question..
As starting something, I hate to involf myself in something and have to give up for any extra reasons.
In PE ing the main possible extra reason is>>no more you think any second that I m jelqing in face of my mother in law asking to me “what are you doing with your son? Do you want to make a sushi with it?”
The only privacy time possible, in four month, is in shower.but how to do a good session in shower.cannot remain in shower for 40 will be suspect..
As the 7 minutes routines is really useless I think..
So, to continue PEing in 4 months, I ll need a “special-semi-nOOb-fast-strike-routine” :D

Last edited by stranger : 07-12-2005 at .

Originally Posted by stranger

it is very common that you re livin with your GF and his family


Don’t worry stranger, in 4 months you’ll be amazed at how sneaky you have become with strategic PEing round the house. :)


"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

In four months of the Newb Routine, you won’t be a newb anymore, and you’ll have a damn fine conditioned dick. You’ll be in a better position at that point to switch it up, and develop an effective stealth routine. But you have the time now… focus on the now. And re-read Shiver’s post. :thumbs:

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

But, now thanks to you all. I undesrstood the newbies gains will be the fastest and workout with thunders newbie routine.I ll tell you my gains in about one month.
I measured few hours before, here are my real start stats

EL: 6.25

EG: 4.9

Very small.I know.under the is for that I m here :D

PS:sorry about my poor english.that s not my natal language but with this forum, I ll enlarge maibe my son and sure enlarge a lot my English they cannot speak english those Japaneses.. !Only good things !
Drilla9 “with my GF and HER family” sorry ;)

Last edited by stranger : 07-12-2005 at .

From your title, I thought you were going to tell me how.


Originally Posted by stranger
EL: 6.25

EG: 4.9

Very small.I know.under the is for that I m here :D

It’s NOT very small, it’s very respectable. Bigger than my starting measurements. You need to think big man, the body will follow. Good starting stats, don’t sweat it, and good luck.

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

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