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How to get a bigger Head

How to get a bigger Head

This is my first message to this forum and iam a bit confused.The problem is that you have too many information and iam totally not aware of any PE before.I would like to get ur advice before I could start PE.Kindly advice for my probs below and iam 22 years old.
I have a really small one when flacid and have problems in gripping them for PE.
I really don’t seem to understand on how to do Kegels.Do you have a video on that
I have skin covered upto my head and they look very small and not muscular I would kike to know if there are ways to pull my skin on my head back naturally.

Iam curious to know many more things but iam trying to browse more of ur forums for them and this mesage is just out of frustration to start out with my PE .hope you understand that I do this out of despertion and lack of patience and would be good if any NE would be knid enough to advice the right way for me

If you don’t have any patience, you either gonna:

1. Injure yourself.
2. Give up your PE.

Off topic, but patience is a must.

I’ll try to explain how to kegel. You know when you’re taking piss, and you stop the flow? You use a certain muscle somewhere along the tube where semen passes. The BC muscle. A kegel is a simple tense of that muscle. One kegel is one squeeze of the BC muscle.

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As for your gripping problem.

There are certain ‘stages’ of erection that can either help, or they can exasperate. These ‘stages of erection’ are often referred to on these forums in percentages.

For example, you should never jelq when 100% erect. Likewise, it’s hard to stretch when you’re 10-30% erect.

Both jelqing and stretching require a ‘semi-stiffy’ - somewhere between 40% for stretching, and 60% for jelqing. This is for the free passage of flowing blood, pliability, grip circumference, whatever else. Luckily, the body is an extremely adaptive assortment of molecules, and your brain will eventually bless you a semi-hardon the instant it realises you’re gonna give your dick a good work-out.

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Originally Posted by needadvice
I have skin covered upto my head and they look very small and not muscular I would kike to know if there are ways to pull my skin on my head back naturally.

If I am understanding this statement right, you have tight foreskin. I hate to say this but perhaps you should consider circumcision?

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The skin is very stretchy in time and it can/will adapt

Slowly pull the skin back a little at a time. Eventually it will glide easily.

Keep at it.

Just keep it slow.

Originally Posted by Levler
If you don’t have any patience, you either gonna:

1. Injure yourself.
2. Give up your PE.

Off topic, but patience is a must.

This is very true, good advise Levler. Patience is truly a virtual, especially when it comes to your dick, take care of it. build it the way you want it, but be patient, Rome wasn’t built in one day.

Take it easy man. First thing first get in the bath and try to pull the skin back very carefully then leave it back for a while under the water.

Do this every time you go in the bath

If this doesn’t work at all because it is to painful or the skin is just too tight ,you must see a doctor because it’s not healthy germs get trapped behind the skin and all sorts infections and diseases can spread.

I suggest you sort this foreskin problem out before you continue with PE.

I don’t want you to get hurt hope it works out for you.


isnt stretching supposed to be done totally flaccid???

Originally Posted by ryan_bresson
isnt stretching supposed to be done totally flaccid???

Well, it all depends, but I’m not going there. Experience all the newbie stuff first before you start to do different things. Read, learn from others, do your home work, but don’t pull on a hard dick if you don’t know what you’re doing. A dick is a very precious thing, especially if you like sex and/or other extra curricular activities. Take care of it man and take your time. Really.

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