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How to Staighten Out My Tool...

How to Staighten Out My Tool...

Alright, so I’ve never done PE before. Currently my penis is about 7 1/2 inches in length and it is cockeyed and points to the right. It isn’t an extremely severe case, but it is definately noticable and enough to bother me.

Are there any specific exercises that I can do to lengthen one side of my penis to help balance and straighten it out….perhaps doing some exercises in specific directions more then the other direction..

So, for my problem, with it cockeyed and pointing to the right (from my persepective), what exercises should I focus on, and in what directions, to help me maximize the balance in length….

Thank you very much,


Hi Daed,

Welcome to the forum.

There was a thread on the straightening thing but a few days ago. Here’s a link

Hope that helps.

well the difference is that my penis doesn’t point down….it’s very strong and will point up..

however, it points off to the right side and is slightly cockeyed.

I’m more looking for specific help, since I’m a newb, at how to potentially fix this, as I don’t want to make anything worse.



Ok its the same thing whether is pointing up or down, left or right. So that deals with the straightness thing right?

When you say cockeyed, do you mean a slight rotation in the shaft?
Is this noticable when erect or only when flaccid?
Is it confined to a small area of the shaft or it it throughout?
How pronounced is it?
Has it and the bend gotten worse over the years and roughly how old are you?

If your curve isn’t severe, vacuume pumping might gradually straighten it out; with the right sized tube.



I only face the issues when it is erect.

The bend may have gotten worse over the years, although as far back as I remember it has always been as severe as it is.

I’m 18 years old.

When I say cockeyed I do mean a slight rotation in the shaft. While it does go off the side a bit, the head is not totally vertical either.

It is definately noticeable but not a severe case.

The curvature and rotation seem to exist through just about the whole shaft, although the rotation is only really noticable once 1/2 or 2/3s up.

thanks again for any help.

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