How's My Routine?
Hi everyone,
I’m relatively new to thunders place but I’ve been doing PE for about a year now. I did the newbie routine for several months and added Ulis along the way. I tried clamping for a bit but didn’t get much from it; it’s possible my technique was off.
I’ve made some gains in the past year, about a half inch in length and barley anything in girth (.1-.2in). I’ve recently gotten a bathmate and really like it so far and have incorporated it into my routine.
Below is my routine. I’d really appreciate any feedback from vets that have had success, particularly in gaining girth.
I’d like to get to gain another inch in BPEL and an inch in MG.
5-10min heat pad warmup
Stretching, 3 sets of
4 30sec stretches (out, up, down, A stretch) and 30 cranks
Bathmate 20min
Maybe some squeezes and dry jelqs for 10min if I have time
5min heat pad warm down or hot shower
Any advice or tips would be much appreciated. Especially if you have any advice on maximizing gains from the bathmate.
Jan 2015 BPEL 6.5 x BG 4.25
Sept 2015 BPEL 6.9 X BG 4.5
Goal EL 7.5 X MG 5.5