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A better approach to the Newbie Routine

A better approach to the Newbie Routine

I think the Newbie Routine is a great place to start with P.E. I definitely learned a lot about my penis while following the newbie routine and got solid gains that have stayed with me. That said I think noobs should be more aware of the side effects that the routine comes with and I think a few simple adjustments to the routine could go a long way to minimizing those negative side effects.

Some Background
I first came across this board in highschool with no EQ issues, average length (6”) and below average girth (4”). I did the newbie routine for a while and got those easy beginner gains. I gained about an inch in length and a half inch in girth. As my gains on the newbie routine began to plateau I started to notice the side effects.

1. Baseball Bat Effect
2. Decreased Angle of Erection
(Another one that I think may be more common for circumcised men is the Turkey Neck effect.)

You can search the forums to learn more about these issues, what they are and what you can do to reverse them, but for the sake of someone just starting out I want to offer an alternative way of approaching the Newbie routine which I think will minimize those effects.

EQ then Length then Girth

EQ before Length
I think most of the newbie length gains come from manually stretching BTC, and I think those stretches cause a decreased angle of erection.

If you have healthy EQ then I think some simple kegels and towel raises will minimize this effect.

EQ before Girth
For the sake of safety you should have high EQ before you start girth exercises so that you have a baseline for what your EQ should be. There’s a long post about all the indicators you should pay attention to while you’re PE’ing. Basically if you have high EQ and then you start pushing it too much with your girth routine you’re EQ may drop and that would let you know you need to scale it down to avoid injury.

For the sake of getting the best gains you can out of girth routines, you need EQ. Being able to maintain strong erections throughout an exercise and being able to kegel in more blood when you need to are two examples of this.

Length before Girth
While on the newbie routine I was gaining length while also gaining girth. Let’s say my first gains were 1/4” for length and girth. The base of my unit, the bottom 1/4”, wasn’t subject to all the girth exercises that my beginning unit was. The gain was essentially stretch out from the “inner” penis. Now if you keep getting gains of 1/4” for both at the same time, then you’ll keep compounding this baseball bat effect. (I do think that some baseball bat effect is inherent with jelqing but I think much of it could be minimized.)

In summary if I could go back and start the Newbie Routine knowing what I know now here’s what I would do.

First 2-3 months focus on increasing my EQ.
Next I would focus on increasing length until the newbie length routine starts to plateau or if I reach my desired length. (While continuing to better my EQ)
Lastly I would quit working on length and focus on girth. Again still trying to better my EQ.

I will try and follow your advice, I have peing for 2 weeks and I see my erections don’t last very long and I feel that my penis is getting tired pretty quick.. Do you think that I stressed it too much? Also will it go back to normal? I followed the newbie routine and I think it’s just too much. I will begin the linear routine after I get my old erections back. What do you think and sorry for my english

This makes sense. PE is only effective while constantly monitoring your PIs (Physiological Indicators). If your PIs are low before you start then you don’t have a quality base line to start from.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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