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I Gain 0.4 inches length with Frankenstein routine

I Gain 0.4 inches length with Frankenstein routine

Hi guys!

After 6 weeks on Newbie routine, I decided to take my PE routine to the next level, I spent like 6 hours a day doing research on different methods of PE such as: pumping, hanging, jelqing and I visit 4 different forums of PEing. I did not finished there, I decided to go to my local library get some books about penis anatomy. I did a lot of reading about it.

To cut the story short, I will go straight to the point: I decided to experiment two routines and stick with the one who seen to work for me..

THE FIRST ROUTINE (I call this experiment as “Frankenstein routine”)

First of all I warm up for 5min (hot towel)
Followed by 30min hanging “5 pound weight” (3 sets of 10min with 5 min rest with massage in between them)
Then I warm up again for 2min (hot towel)
Followed by 10 min wet jelqing
Then pump for 10 min too.

( Here are my findings: I after two weeks)

The first 48 hours on this routine my erection went crazy and I confess I never had so hard rock erection like that, just to highlight I have occasionally erection problem. Secondly, my dick erection went from 5.4 to 5.9 sometime 6” inches in length

THE SECOND ROUTINE (I call this experiment as “Moe syzlak”)

This routine is basically consist only in hanging for 1 hour (3 sets of 20 min)5 pound weight followed by wet jelqing 10 min

Here are my finding after two weeks: first all of, I notice that my erection reduced by almost 75% and dick erection went back 5.4 when erected (I knew the 5.9” length gain was a temporary thing anyway) what scared me most was my flaccid state it became so small.

I decided to stick with first routine and it’s been 3 days now and my rock erection returned and my dick is 5.7” inches long now.

I will stick with routine, I took a picture of my dick now and I will update in 3 months time for now

Hope your guy like my two experiences..


That’s cool man, thanks for sharing the info and congrats with the gains

01/03/2009- NBPEL:5.1; EG:4.6.

01/05/2010- NBPEL:6.1; EG:4.7.

Long Term Goal- NBPEL: 7.0; EG:5.5


Thanks for the report. I’m no hanging expert but if you
have never done it before and you start with 5 lbs you may
be asking for trouble. Many of the experts here say to start
with low weight for longer duration instead of high weight, short
duration that you are using. I’m not saying 5 lbs is alot of weight
but it is if you’re just starting out.

Hopefully the hangers will chime in and offer you their advice so you
don’t hinder future gains.


Hi ironbird!

I guess 5lbs sound too much, I started out with 2lbs then after 3 days increased it 3.5 lbs then I went to 5lbs in the second week of the trial.. Well I thought that could be too much too soon but the positive of it is give me rock erection all day long, in the morning my erection goes up to 5.9 inches in length when normally my dick erection is only 5.4”.

I will see how it will goes in the next two weeks, if remain the same as now I will keep otherwise I will go back to 2lbs

Try and use the lowest weight possible to reach fatigue, don’t up the weight to fast.


I guess I Will go back to 2lbs and stick it for 4 weeks.thanks for help

I thought the Frankenstein routine would have something to do with electricity? ;)

Originally Posted by PErsonal_man

I thought the Frankenstein routine would have something to do with electricity? ;)

And dismembered penis parts from decomposed corpses which have been dug up from their graves.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

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