Originally Posted by ICANdothis
Im like you, all length gains (7+NBP), zero girth :) But Im not sweating about it, I will get it soon.
Question Marinera, what do you mean with “The longer your tunica, the harder to fill it, so the harder to augment girth. It’s just elementary geometry.”
It is harder to gain girth with 8 inches in length than with 5 inches in length? The volume increase is ALOT more with 8 inches than with 5 ofcourse but does it really matter?
Your penis is filled with blood in all girth-oriented exercises. With the same amount of blood, the shorter the penis, the higher the circumference expansion. Well, I hope it’s clear, but I think you already got what I meant. :)
Now, are you asking if, in the real world, having a longer penis makes girth gains harder? I don’t know; it could be; it could also make no difference; finally, the thing that makes less sense to me, is that a shorter penis makes (all other thing being equal) girth gains harder - even from a geometric point of view.
It’s somewhat a reverse hypothesis of the old question: ‘if I have a girthier penis, my length gains we’ll be harder’? We don’t know for sure. But I definitely tend to believe that a slimmer penis can’t make length gains harder.