Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I just want to know the truth

I just want to know the truth

Can someone who has gained a significant amount of length chime in and give me a solid answer on what is the best erection level to jelq for length? Not what you heard but what actually worked for you and gave you gains in erect length. I’m confused because I come across threads where people say low erection jelqs are the best for length then come to find out they themselves don’t do any low erection jelqs and gain length from high erection jelqs. I just want a solid answer from someone who actually gained.

Every time we talk about gains you have to take into consideration we talk about it in a theoretical way. This happens because everyone is different.

So once you know that, jelqs at low erection should target more length than girth.

Just for example: pumping is known mainly for girth gains. But then you know avocet8 and Titleist got amazing length gains with it.

So my suggestion is: try with different approaches and see what works for you to take your goal into reality.

I started with jelqing and stretching and went from “7 - 7 .75ish” I jelqed at 60-80%… but at the lower end of that is better.

Good luck and remember consecutive days lead to gains

Some of it has to do with our descriptions. When I talk about 80% erection, I tend mean 80% of the volume of the fully erect penis. I think a lot of people are describing the difference between flaccid and erect, so 80% means something entirely different.

I’m not sure we are all that different. Pumping is known for girth because people buy badly fitting cylinders like the bathmate. The kind of pumping avocet did was vastly different to simply sitting in an oversized tube for 1/2 hr. A different process lead to different results, rather than a different person, I think.

Now, back to the question, tuggingit.

Don’t think of jelqing as a length or a girth exercise, think of it as a tenderising exercise. When you tenderise meat it’s to break up the interconnecting fibres, it can make tough meat a lot easier to eat. Your penis is a tough mother. What you are attempting to do is to cause very limited amounts of injury.

So by my description of erection level, I’d suggest 60-80% with 70%+ as the probable sweet spot but it’s how you jelq that will have the biggest effect. Jelqing can be smooth sailing over or gripping into the internal tissue under the skin. If it’s smooth, then you probably aren’t using enough pressure and if it’s gripping then as you are completing your 2+ second stroke, you are also stretching. Can you see how that would make a difference?

Too low an erection and there isn’t enough blood to be pushed around, it’s hard to get strain in the tissue above the grip. Too high and you can’t push in enough, and you glide above the tissue you are trying to tenderise.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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