Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

im still a newb

im still a newb

i just want to know how long it took for some people to gain and how much they gained. and if someone that gained a lot could tell me the routine they used id appreciate it.

You will probably start seeing gains after about a month.

You should start with a routine like this:

5 min warm-up
10 min stretching
300 jelqs

Then after a couple weeks move up to about 500 jelqs, after a month or so you can start doing some of the more advanced exercises.

Well, I gained 1.75 inches with jelqing and stretching.I started in May of this year and am now currently hanging. Just start with the newbie routine on the top of the forum and see for yourself. I dont have a set routine,so I can’t help you in that regard,but there are many by reading through the threads.

Good Luck to you, Jones

thanks guys for your replies, i still would like to know how much i might gain by a month or so.

No one knows how much a person will gain. This isn’t the same as telling how far a car will go with a gallon of gas. Well it is, but the “fuel” you provide is your consistency and the will to grow; and the “car” is your physical ability to gain, which is dependent on genetics and other factors.

It’s really up to you and your body. Just be sure to listen to your body and don’t overdo it, there is a lot at stake. It’s the only cock you’ll ever have.

Nice post Orgasmo

Dear Itjrufio14,

You have been requested in a previous post to check the forum guidelines. Please do so.

Cause if you don’t, I might have to get cranky, and I don’t want to go there.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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