Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

IMPORTANT question for ADS users

IMPORTANT question for ADS users

Hello all

I am little worried. I have a noose type extender. Been using it for one and a half months. 20 days ago noticed something white around my glans. just below my glans there is white skin. not all around the glans just to the left and right. I guess there is more force of the noose at this place. Maybe i will take pics of my penis and post them tomorrow so you have a better idea of what I mean. I stopped using it 2 days ago, also stopped all PE exercises but haven’t noticed any difference yet. Thinking to restart PE when my skin in this area will be normal again. Just to let you know i never used the noose with direct contact to my skin. Always placed a piece of round cotton (like the ones that ladies use for de-makeup) and on top of that a piece of sponge.
Anyone else ever witnessed something like that?
Also I have pearly penis papulis which seem that it disappeared. If you don’t know what this is doesn’t matter. Its like tiny abscess around the penis head. This is nothing to be worried about. They appeared after puberty and never bothered about it. I read that around 12% of the male population has pearly penis papulis.
Thanx for your help in advance.

Originally Posted by willing19762
Hello all

I am little worried. I have a noose type extender. Been using it for one and a half months. 20 days ago noticed something white around my glans. just below my glans there is white skin. not all around the glans just to the left and right. I guess there is more force of the noose at this place. Maybe i will take pics of my penis and post them tomorrow so you have a better idea of what I mean. I stopped using it 2 days ago, also stopped all PE exercises but haven’t noticed any difference yet. Thinking to restart PE when my skin in this area will be normal again. Just to let you know i never used the noose with direct contact to my skin. Always placed a piece of round cotton (like the ones that ladies use for de-makeup) and on top of that a piece of sponge.
Anyone else ever witnessed something like that?
Also I have pearly penis papulis which seem that it disappeared. If you don’t know what this is doesn’t matter. Its like tiny abscess around the penis head. This is nothing to be worried about. They appeared after puberty and never bothered about it. I read that around 12% of the male population has pearly penis papulis.
Thanx for your help in advance.

Hi, Willing!

I wonder if the white part you mention is in fact ppp’s but joined together?

Is it the same sort of whiteness as the ppp’s or different. However whatever it is best not to use the extender, even with the ‘bandaging’ there is still a lot of pressure on the skin there and as you say this could be the cause. It might be worth getting an alternative extender that places the tension over more of your penis.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

It’s most likely just scar tissue sort of like a callus forming it’s the skins natural way to toughen up when something is up against it, it’s a problem with noose devices but usually not anything to be concerned about. This is only my guess it could be totally different with you

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thank you guys. I woke up this morning and it is almost disappeared (at least 80% of it.) My skin color to this area is back to normal. Now the only abnormal thing is that the skin around the glans feels like plastic.

Petitifaun i made the same thoughts as you. maybe the ppp pressed together. Yesterday was scared. I made a research for gangrene but the symptoms are different. Anyway I will stay away from ADS and PE up to the first of August.

Its approximately one week break and hopefully it will not affect what i have already gained.

Petitfaun impressed you know about ppp. Are you a doctor or something? Do you also have them?

Dino is right, I think.

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