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Increase in girth subtracts from length

Increase in girth subtracts from length

I started PEing recently, and am currently working on length gains. Once I reach my goal of somewhere within 8in, or damn close, I want to work on girth. However, I am curious to know if the increase in girth would subtract from the length. Anyone know, or had experience. Also I want to know if it would work vice versa as well. Will increase in length result in subtraction of girth? Any help would be great.

Theory has it too much girth will slow length gains. This theory therefore advises hitting length first, and then a ‘touching up’ of the girth. Nevertheless, most guys around here focus on both length and girth simultaneously – and this is because diversity appears to be quite effective from experience. You could try and conform to logical theory, but why would you want to change something that works? Besides, it’s difficult to take out girth-work considering most length exercises hit girth too…

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Ok well, with this workout, what would you say is “hit” in terms of growth, length or girth:

Warm up 3 min
Power stretch 5 min
V stretch 5 min
Jelq 5 min
Circular stretch 4 min
Warm down 3 min

I figure for this first week, ill work 1 day on, 1 day off

This site, is my main place to find routines, and from what I’ve heard, read, and seen this appears to be one of the more reputable sites, that appears to work:

Anyone have any idea? Because I really have no clue

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