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Increase Kegel Reps?


Increase Kegel Reps?

I notice since I’ve been gaining a lot of size my EQ fluctuates. I’ve been doing kegels every other day and they helped some and the EQ increases over time. I currently do 150 kegels, 150 reverse front kegels, 300 back reverse kegels.

Should I be striving to do more reps on my kegel exercises? I’ve been doing the same reps for two months now.

I do lots of kegels often. I do regular and reverse. But, I’ve never seen anyone mention front or back reverse kegels. Can you elaborate on what you mean?

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

The kegel works out a muscle. Therefore more stimulation is needed over time in order to grow. Definitely start upping your reps or I would actually suggest increasing the intensity of the kegels you do first. Hold them harder and longer, and if you are conditioned start with a low amount of erect kegels and see how they feel. Creates a good expansion as well while being done.

Just make sure you take days off from kegels as well for needed rest.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by soonerbomb
I do lots of kegels often. I do regular and reverse. But, I’ve never seen anyone mention front or back reverse kegels. Can you elaborate on what you mean?

I did read about those front and back reverse kegels, I will try to find link so you can read about it, they clearly underlined all types and variations of kegeling including those mentioned above.

Does any of you hold kegel for close to 2 mins straight? I am not doing many kegels, but I am doing it at least four, five times a week. Maybe 5-10 long holds (1-2 mins per hold).

I have no problems with EQ, but I want to be able to stop ejaculation, so far I am satisfied.

Starting stats 16.11.2017. BPEL: 15.5 cm 6.1 In MEG: 14.8 cm 5.8 In

Jason's quest for length - Progress Log With Pictures

How many reps should I be adding? I was thinking 25 every month. I already do kegels every other day and I can recover well.

Reverse front kegels force out urine
Reverse back kegels force defecation.

Originally Posted by BvckWood
Reverse front kegels force out urine
Reverse back kegels force defecation.

What is the benefit of the reverse back kegel for PE purposes?

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

Originally Posted by BvckWood
How many reps should I be adding? I was thinking 25 every month. I already do kegels every other day and I can recover well.

Reverse front kegels force out urine
Reverse back kegels force defecation.

Have you tried doing stronger kegels? Holding them for longer duration? Those will really turn your PC muscles into a blood pumping machine and you’ll notice you will get fatigued faster that way.

For regular kegels I would say increasing the number of 25 maybe every two weeks should be okay. If you notice you get fatigued too fast before finishing them then take your time and give it another week or two. You should notice the muscle get a little tired/fatigued but you don’t want to overuse it and create injury either.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy
Have you tried doing stronger kegels? Holding them for longer duration? Those will really turn your PC muscles into a blood pumping machine and you’ll notice you will get fatigued faster that way.

For regular kegels I would say increasing the number of 25 maybe every two weeks should be okay. If you notice you get fatigued too fast before finishing them then take your time and give it another week or two. You should notice the muscle get a little tired/fatigued but you don’t want to overuse it and create injury either.

I tried doing holds but it just led to pelvic floor tightness. I skip doing holds now because I get the same effect just doing reps (for sex). I did exhaust quickly doing holds and that’s how I knew my PC/BC muscles were weak.

When you do them are you just doing even repetitions the whole time?

The only thing that pops into my mind would be to try to add some variety - ie: do 20 2 second kegels - take a 40 second break - do 30 1 second kegels - take a minute break - do 10 5 second kegels - rest

This isn’t an exact routine I’m recommending, just trying to outline a general concept.

I do straight reps because it’s easier to record and keep track of. If something works or doesn’t work I know exactly what it is, compared to figuring out if 2 second kegels work better than 5 seconds. Vise versa. I didn’t notice anything different in EQ when doing holds compared to quick reps.

If someone could answer, what added benefits does doing a variation or holds have, that straight reps don’t?

When I was only doing straight reps it felt like I was training one specific motion rather than learning to control the muscle. Everybody’s different but that helped me.

Originally Posted by velhungvhite

When I was only doing straight reps it felt like I was training one specific motion rather than learning to control the muscle. Everybody’s different but that helped me.

Could you elaborate on ‘controlling the muscle’?

Originally Posted by BvckWood
Could you elaborate on ‘controlling the muscle’?

Kind of hard to describe but I’ll try to provide an example. When I was training one static motion I didn’t have great control over how quickly or slowly the contractions happened. I could do it but it wasn’t a super smooth motion. As I practiced both slower and faster squeezes/reps I gained more control. Same thing with holds. I was building duration with static reps but once I practiced holding and adding time it got a lot easier.

To add to the idea of varying routines. I also use a progression method. I start barely contracting and perform a ramp up motion. I pick a time to hold, say 20 seconds and gradually increase the contraction from barely to as strong as possible to the end of 20 seconds. If you’re going to hold for a long duration then this could be a good exercise to gain control of the clench.

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

It’s a muscle, so it has muscle memory. In order to maintain building strength and growth, you must keep the muscle stimulated in different ways. Wether it’s more reps, increased time of holds (time under tension) or intensity of the kegel itself.

So the main reason why you should change up your kegel routine in some way or another is to ensure constant stimuli.

I do erect kegels now that my PC muscles are well conditioned and they have made them very strong. Now when I kegel erect I create some serious expansion. I add them to my edging after a routine.

Also if your muscles seem to be getting tight just from doing some kegel holds they may need a few days off for rest. You should be able to perform kegel holds at least for short periods of time if your already regularly doing kegels.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Last edited by Makehergocrazy : 01-25-2018 at .
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