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Increased horizontal thickness width, but trying to work vertical thickness

Increased horizontal thickness width, but trying to work vertical thickness

My dick has increased in girth significantly, but it is mostly in width. It looks big from my view and from the bottom, but looking at my profile in the mirror (even up close) it still looks smaller, as my gains have not been so significant in that direction. How can I primarily target vertical thickness?

I’m not sure its anatomically possible to target one dimension of girth and not the other. I suppose if you found a way to concentrate your exercises on your corpus spongiosum that could potentially lead to better vertical girth.

So I suppose I could suggest that when jelqing make sure you’re applying plentying of pressure to the underside of your penis, personally I find that if I’m not careful, due to the shape of my hand, the bottem side can get less pressure. Whether donig this rigously would lead to this type of gains, however, I don’t know.

Other than that, not sure, but really, does it matter that much?

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