Involuntary PC contractions and Premature Ejaculation
I could do with some help!
I have premature ejaculation and I believe it is due to my PC muscle. Every time I masterbate my PC muscle contracts really tight and once this happens it is impossible for me to delay ejaculation.
I have previously done kegels and believe that I may have been doing these kegels wrong by contracting the PC muscle and not the BC muscle. When masterbating I can last up to 30 minutes if I want by completely relaxing my PC muscle but as soon as my PC muscle contracts it’s game over. When I get really turned on, or even if I begin thrusting, my PC muscle contracts really quickly like after 20 seconds causing me to ejaculate really quick. Thus making sex not last long.
Is there any way I can stop these involuntary PC contractions as I believe if I can stop these I could greatly improve my lasting time??
I was thinking either keep kegeling ( which I have been doing for 1 month now) or completely stop any muscle contractions in my penis and see if I can stop the PC contractions.
I hope you can help me with this!